The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1532 Magic Feast

Chapter 1532 Magic Feast (4)
"It's too scary, it's simply invincible..." Amos murmured everyone's thoughts.

The combination of such powerful forces is simply enough to sweep the entire Titan Continent.

Titan Continent has never released such fast forbidden magic.Even if there is, it must be the top magician who can barely do it with his life as a bet.

Moreover, these three thousand high-level group magics are combined, and their power is almost comparable to two forbidden spells.Everyone couldn't imagine how exaggerated it would be if Li Feng was given more time to let these three thousand great magicians learn group magic that matched their own level?
"Let's go, let's go support the two forest elf tribes again." Li Feng was still the first to come back to his senses, like an upstart, he waved exaggeratedly, and led the three thousand great magicians in high spirits, Walk towards the teleportation array.

The two great magisters, two sword masters, and 31 druid warriors all stood on the edge of the cliff like idiots, blowing the wind.

The strong wind blew up, and the dust blasted by magic from the bottom of the cliff flew all over the sky, and the idiots squinted their eyes immediately.

Not long after, Li Feng triumphantly led the people back to Heimuya.

Originally, the two support armies of the two lines of Heimuya were chasing and beating undead creatures. Three thousand great magicians passed by, and with only one wave of magic salvo, all the enemies were instantly annihilated in ashes, which was extremely relaxing.

When the soldiers returned to Heimuya, they all looked a bit distraught, obviously frightened.Even the two well-informed great magisters were terrified. The behavior of the soldiers was completely normal.

"Haha, my buddy's Heimuya is simply invincible." Like a crab, Li Feng swaggered up to the people who were still in a daze, laughing wildly.

Even though everyone couldn't understand Li Feng's rampant appearance, they couldn't say a word of rebuttal for a long time.

Li Feng was obviously pretending to be aggressive, but everyone felt that he was awesome, and not just ordinary awesome.

With these three thousand great magicians in hand, Li Feng is qualified to challenge any powerful force.It may be an exaggeration to say that he is invincible, but there are basically very few people or forces in the entire Titan Continent who can provoke Li Feng.

"Little bastard, are you getting complacent too early?" Gerald stood up again, playing the role of the black-faced god who beat his grandson-in-law, "The reason for the black wood cliff today is because of the colorful dome pagoda and the absolute barrier With the double protection of the enchantment, great magicians like you can chant spells without distraction. If it were another occasion, they would gather a few great masters, and before the magic is completed, they can easily break through and wipe out your precious lumps. bright."

"My master makes the absolute barrier enchantment props, it's like a game, I'm so mad at you for not repairing." Li Feng curled his lips in disdain, "Old man, you are confident that you can break through the absolute barrier of the nine overlapping magic arrays Is it a barrier?"

(End of this chapter)

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