The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1543 Magic Feast

Chapter 1543 Magic Feast (15)
Thief Saint knows that his vindictiveness is not suitable for fighting with others. Although he is also a saint-level strongman, it is undoubtedly a dream to take revenge with his own strength. What's more, the power of the Holy See is all over the Titan Continent. How can he still take every Holy See? The clergy were all killed?That's certainly not realistic.

Thief Saint's life skills are all based on the word 'thief', so the focus of his revenge also falls on the word 'thief'.Didn't your Holy See say that I stole the "Holy Book" and committed a heinous crime?Alright, then I will not do anything, just steal the "Holy Code" again, and put my crimes into practice.

However, the Supreme Holy Mountain is always the holy place of the Holy See, so it is not so easy to break into, especially after the "Holy Code" was stolen, the defense is extremely strict.Thief Saint went through untold hardships, and finally sneaked into the highest holy mountain, but he still missed at the last moment.In fact, it was not a complete miss. He tore out more than half of the "Holy Code", escaped from the highest holy mountain with serious injuries, and was never heard from again.

Thief Saint's family was completely exterminated, but the Holy See didn't know that Thief Saint wandered around the Titan Continent, showing mercy everywhere. Although he never got married in his life, he had an illegitimate child outside.

This illegitimate son is Helen's grandfather. When Thief Saint escaped from the highest holy mountain, he was so severely injured that almost all of his fighting spirit was destroyed. He died after only a few years of life. , but was passed down by his son.

Of the descendants of the saint robbers, only the little thief Helen is left. She broke into the highest holy mountain this time to steal the "Holy Code" and complete the legacy of her ancestors.

But it's a pity that although the skills of the Thief Saint have been handed down, the talent of the Thief Saint is really not comparable to any of his descendants.Although the little thief Helen is also a stunning genius, she is still far from reaching the level of her ancestors back then, so she missed as expected.

The sound of stomping footsteps stopped outside the cell door where Helen was, and immediately the key was unlocked, and the iron door was pushed open.

Helen looked indifferently at the person who came in. This was an old man wearing a bright red priest's robe and looked kindly. However, Helen knew that people should not be judged by appearance alone. This old man was actually an extremely disgusting pervert.

"Little baby, have you thought about it yet?" The old man spoke, and the kind-hearted expression on his face became a little distorted, "There are still five days until Judgment Day, and you don't have much time to think about it. On Judgment Day, even if I, Cliff, am a cardinal, there is no way I can help you get rid of the crime, so don’t regret it then.”

Helen said coldly: "I would rather be burned to death than be touched by a disgusting pervert like you. You should die."

It was not the first time Cardinal Cliff was rejected. He didn't feel much surprise when he heard this, but just sneered, "Little baby, you really make me like you more and more. It doesn't matter. A delicious young beauty like you is rejected When the holy flame burns to death, that expression of pain and struggle is also my favorite, huh huh huh..."

(End of this chapter)

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