The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1550 Magic Feast

Chapter 1550 Magic Feast (22)
Among the past popes, several of them were not the top in the Holy See before their coronation, but once the coronation ceremony was held and the Pope's four-piece set was held, their strength immediately increased dozens of times, and they jumped Become the most powerful existence in the Holy See.

"The most powerful demon in history has broken into the highest holy mountain. As believers in God, my children, are you afraid?" Pope Stephen spoke in a standard tone of magic stick.

"Your Majesty, please forgive us for not being firm enough in our faith. We did feel fear growing in our hearts just now." All the priests and paladins present humbly bowed their heads.

"Then pray," Pope Stephen kept a pure expression on his face, and said flickeringly as always: "The glory of God is everywhere, as long as our faith is devout enough, we will always be blessed by God, no matter what Under the majesty of the gods, there will be nowhere to hide."

"O merciful God, your humble servant prays to you, please lower your supreme majesty and punish all evils and sins..." Following the words of Pope Stephen, the highest holy mountain was immediately surrounded by devout prayers The panic was replaced by the sound, and the panic just now dissipated like a dark cloud.

This Pope Stephen really has two tricks, he can be called a master of flickering, and just a few casual words can make the chaotic Supreme Holy Mountain suddenly reborn.

Li Feng was searching the land, when suddenly the hairs all over his body stood on end, a chill went straight to his head, and he felt extremely palpitations in the depths of his heart, without any hesitation, he immediately plunged into the underworld.

The next moment, Li Feng's original location was swept by a holy light that descended from the sky.

Even though he was hiding in the underworld, Li Feng still seemed to be able to feel the terrifying power and power contained in this holy light.Although he has never personally experienced the power of the holy light, Li Feng seems to have a strange intuition, knowing that if he is really swept by this holy light, even if he has transformed into King Yama at this time, he will definitely It is not uncommon to be severely injured, or even killed in one blow.

"Damn, what the hell is this? Why is it so scary?" Li Feng cursed.

"This is the power of the power of faith," Pluto's voice suddenly sounded beside Li Feng, "This holy light includes the entire holy mountain, and the faith of all priests and paladins, being swept by it, is equivalent to suffering If everyone hits with all their strength, unless they are also blessed by the power of faith, no matter how powerful they are, they will definitely be wiped out in an instant."

"So powerful?" Li Feng exclaimed in shock.

"Of course, this is the divine punishment in the legend," Pluto said leisurely: "The power of divine punishment depends on the number of believers. The more sects with a large number of believers, the more severe the divine punishment. The Holy See of Light is the most influential in the Titan Continent. In a single religion, the divine punishment imposed by the pope himself is of course boundless.”

"The Pope took the shot himself?" Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that he couldn't help jumping, and cursed eighteen times in a row, "It's too shameless, the dignified Pope, to attack me, a nameless junior, is too unprofessional. "

(End of this chapter)

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