The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1555 Magic Feast

Chapter 1555 Magic Feast (27)
Li Feng was smug for a while, and a pair of thief eyes penetrated the space barrier again, and took aim at Pope Stephen who was posing as a fool.

His Excellency the Pope still has three artifacts.

Chapter 448

The sky above the highest holy mountain seemed to be covered by dark clouds all over the sky, and the atmosphere was so solemn that it was about to drip water.Today may be the darkest day since the establishment of the Bright Vatican nearly ten thousand years ago. Not only the highly respected cardinals were silently killed by the enemy, even the unbounded robes worn by His Majesty the Pope were also robbed. Go, even until now, I haven't even seen the face of the enemy, let alone know who the enemy is.

"Your Majesty, the scriptures are gone. Someone stole the scriptures..." A paladin in exquisite armor scrambled towards this side.

"What?" The Pope's eyes went dark, and he almost fell to the ground. It was a leaky house, and it rained overnight. The continuous bad news made the Pope unable to maintain his composure. He grabbed the paladin by the collar and said through gritted teeth. : "Garein, you are leading a full [-] powerful paladins, guarding around the shrine day and night, anyone who wants to take away the holy scriptures will trigger the warning magic circle, are your [-] paladins just a display ?"

Paladin Garren is a bit dumbfounded by the pope's new look, is it underwear show time?He was stunned for a long time before continuing to cry, "The warning magic circle didn't call the police at all, even the protective barrier on the shrine was still intact, but the scriptures just disappeared inexplicably, I still checked it five times a day Only then did I discover that the scriptures were missing, Your Majesty, this is simply impossible, could it be that there are internal thieves in the Holy See?"

Pope Stephen let go of Garen in a daze. Of course he knew that he was not an insider. The enemy could forcefully take off the Unbounded God Robe on him in broad daylight and under the eyes of everyone. In comparison, it was silent and silent. It's so strange to steal the scriptures without any hesitation.

Thinking of this, the Pope was suddenly taken aback, and the divine punishment was activated instantly.After gathering the beliefs of all the people in the highest holy mountain, the speed of the pope's divine punishment was faster than instant magic, and the power of the holy light of divine punishment was enough to instantly kill any strong person.It can be said that as long as it is at home like the Supreme Holy Mountain, the Pope is almost invincible.

Li Feng's pair of thief claws just stretched out from the void, a feeling of extreme danger suddenly came to his heart, he quickly retracted his hands, and the next moment, an unstoppable holy light swept across the place where he stretched out his hands .

It was so dangerous, Li Feng took a few breaths in shock.

Not only did Li Feng feel terrified, but the Pope was also so frightened that his heart was pounding. As long as he sent out the holy light a little slower, he might be robbed of another artifact.

The enemy is really daring to the extreme. He still hasn't left until now, and he is still thinking about the other three artifacts. No one thought of this. It wasn't until the holy light of divine punishment came out that the people present suddenly woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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