Chapter 1569 Fanatics (5)
"Lord Lancelot..."

"Master Nannette..."

Seeing these three people going up the mountain, there were a lot of exclamations, and all the paladins and most of the priests quickly bowed down to salute these three people.

This is indeed the home court of the Holy See. In the blink of an eye, three more divinely blessed knights arrived. At this time, the lineup on the highest holy mountain was so powerful that it was chilling.

"Elder Gawayne..."

"Elder Chloe..."

"Elder Nessa..."

"Elder Randall..."

Another four skinny old men with rough clothes and haggard appearance appeared.They didn't come up from the foot of the mountain, but came out directly from the depths of the holy mountain.This time, even the pope greeted the four old men by touching their chests first. The pope had already put on a simple priest robe, but after losing the unbounded robe, no matter how you look at it, the image of the pope at this time seems a bit awkward.

"Crazy believers..." Li Feng immediately recognized the identities of these four old men with such a vicious look in his eyes.These four old men may not look outstanding, but their strength must not be underestimated, and even the Divine Blessed Knight may not be as difficult as them.

Fanatics have all the blessing auras possessed by Blessed Knights, and their fighting spirit is not far behind that of Blessed Knights. Even their fanatical beliefs allow them to release divine spells at the same time. A veritable combination of magic and martial arts.

The weapons of fanatics are not swords, but iron rods without any good looks. Don’t underestimate these iron rods. After being blessed by fanatics for at least decades of magic, these iron rods have long been out of the category of ordinary iron. Become a super weapon no less than a divine weapon. Not only is it indestructible, but it can also be used as a magic staff, which can double the effect of divine magic out of thin air.

There are quite a few fanatics in the Vatican, but the number of fanatics in the true sense is extremely rare, and the entire Vatican may not be able to make up double digits.Without the support of enough fanatical beliefs, the so-called fanatics are almost vulnerable.Moreover, the iron rod in the hands of fanatics can only be used by themselves. Once they die, the iron rod will immediately lose all its magical effects.

But even with these many restrictions, it can't negate the power of fanatics.

Fortunately, fanatics either like to squat in a deserted corner to practice hard, or travel barefoot on the Titan continent. At this time, these four old men should be the only four fanatics in the highest holy mountain at this time.

If it were another time, seeing so many strong people gathered in the highest holy mountain, the confidence of the upper and lower highest holy mountains would have skyrocketed, and they would no longer be afraid of any powerful enemies, but today is a bit different. Everyone is happy when they are happy, but their hearts are still uneasy Incessantly, he suddenly lost his previous confidence in these seven top experts of the Holy See.

Chapter 452

Li Feng looked indifferent, watching these experts of the Holy See emerge one by one, his assessment of the strength of the Holy See was a little higher in his heart.Now the Holy See is in his heart, at least as high as several floors.

In fact, the strength of the Holy See is extremely exaggerated. Which of the cardinals and archbishops killed by Li Feng is not a peerless powerhouse?
(End of this chapter)

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