Chapter 1576 Fanatics (12)
The Pope's face was uncertain. The Holy See had stood on the mainland for thousands of years and had never bowed to anyone. If he surrendered to Li Feng like this today, he would undoubtedly be engraved in the history of the Holy See forever and be recited by all ages.Of course, this is by no means a good name, but a shame that can never be washed away.

I am afraid that Stephen, the Pope's family, will also become history forever because of him, Pope Stephen VI.Because there was once a pope who bowed his head to others in the family, in the future competition for the position of pope, he will always be lower than other competitors, which is very fatal.

The Pope found himself caught in a dilemma, he had to fight to the end and fight Li Feng to the death, but he estimated that if this was the case, the result would be that the net was broken and the fish was still alive. There was at least a ninety-nine percent chance for the Stephen family. He will be wiped out by Li Feng alone; or he will compromise and bow his head in front of Li Feng, but then Stephen's family and himself will never be able to raise their heads again.

A stern look flashed in the pope's eyes. It would be better to fight to the death than to live. As the supreme pope, he is not lacking in blood.

Seeing the Pope's expression, Li Feng knew what answer he was going to make, so he couldn't help but sneered, and disappeared abruptly into the void.

The four mad believer old men suddenly lost their targets and were at a loss for a while.


Still without warning, a series of flame knives flew out of the void, and then Li Feng's figure appeared.

What was different from last time was that the most powerful God Blessed Knight who had just shouted was blasted in the chest by this series of flame knives, and immediately let out a scream, lying down on the ground, his body twitching uncontrollably.

Terrible dark spots kept floating on his face, and under the effect of the divine blessing aura, these dark spots were immediately suppressed again.However, although the Divine Blessing Halo is miraculous, it has no detoxification effect. The reason why it can suppress the dark spots is that it quickly restores the parts damaged by the toxin with its powerful healing effect.

The violent and domineering toxin is constantly eroding the body of the Blessed Knight, and the magical aura of Blessed Knight is constantly repairing the damaged body of the Blessed Knight. just die.But he suffered a lot, but he suffered a lot.

Everyone turned pale in shock, and hurriedly gathered around to check, God Bless the Knight's chest.A small section of sharp blade was exposed outside, and the blade was glowing with tile blue light, obviously quenched with poison.

The aura of God's Blessing is really too powerful, the wound has already healed, and only this small section of exposed blade prevents the wound from closing.

The heart was pierced with such a knife, and any strong person here would have only a dead end, but at this time, the divinely blessed knight was quenched by the poisonous flying knife of the nine-headed bird, and the whole knife was inserted into the heart, but still Immortal is simply too perverted.

An archbishop stepped forward and didn't do anything at all, just holding the small blade between two fingers, and slowly pulled out the flying knife from the heart of God's Blessed Knight.The intense pain caused God's Blessed Knight's face to contort immediately, but even so, he still didn't die, and the wound healed immediately.If it weren't for the unclogged blood stains on his chest, no one would have believed that he had been fatally injured just a moment ago.

(End of this chapter)

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