The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1618 Reciprocate

Chapter 1618 Reciprocate (18)
"I'm actually a little surprised, how could Your Majesty tell the master these secrets without reservation?" Li Feng's face was a little strange, "Aren't you afraid that the master's publicity will affect your reputation? "

"You can just say it out there, see if anyone will believe you," the Pope smiled, not caring.

Of course, no one would believe it. Li Feng also knew that he was the biggest heretic that the Holy See ruled. Who would believe what the heretic said?Who can believe it?
Anyone who believes in the heresy is undoubtedly seduced by the heresy. If Pan Ran does not repent immediately, he will definitely end up like the heresy.

"If it weren't for the undead mage's strength, which made me feel unsure of surviving this natural disaster of the undead, how could I easily compromise with you because Master Alan committed such a heinous crime on the Supreme Holy Mountain?" The pope suddenly With a cold expression on his face, he said lightly: "With the strength of Allen, he will surely shine in the battle of undead natural disasters. At this moment of crisis in the Titan Continent, every supreme power is extremely precious, so I really don't care. May the Holy See fight with Master Alan to waste human strength in vain. I told you so much today, not because I am afraid of you. Don’t misunderstand this. At the same time, I also want to remind Master, don’t underestimate Necromancer, the matter between the Holy See and you can wait until the Necromancer is resolved, and then settle the score. There will be a battle between you and me sooner or later, but if you don’t want to take advantage of the Necromancer, you’d better restrain yourself first.”

No wonder he was able to bear the anger when I came to the door. Li Feng originally thought that the Pope was a bit too spineless, but he was bluffed by him a few times. Only now did he know that the Pope took a fancy to his strength , I want him to work hard with the necromancer, so I will temporarily swallow my breath.

"Then, Your Majesty, can you do me a small favor because the Master is about to start a war with the Necromancer?" Li Feng brought up the old story again, pointing to the invitation in the Pope's hand, "It's not How much time will it take you, but it's just a coronation ceremony."

The pope said with a cold face: "I have already said that this is impossible. No matter whether you fight against the necromancer or not, you cannot escape as a heretic. The Holy See and you are always at odds, and I will never fight for you." The heretic presides over the coronation ceremony, you should give up your heart as the head of the family."

"Your Majesty seems to have misunderstood a little bit," Li Feng pouted, and said, "Emperor Flora, who is about to take office, is not the head of the family, but my brother-in-law Perseus, who is an authentic follower of the God of Light. Presiding over the coronation ceremony for the believers of the God of Light shouldn't make you feel embarrassed, right?"

Perseus should believe in the God of Light, right?Li Feng murmured in his heart that he had never asked Avril's siblings about their beliefs. As an upright atheist, Li Feng never cared about this.

The Pope hesitated. To be honest, he was really a little afraid of Li Feng. Although he rejected Li Feng with righteous words, he was somewhat unconfident in his heart. The highest holy mountain is killing people.

(End of this chapter)

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