The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1633 Reciprocate

Chapter 1633 Reciprocate (33)
"Sophie, it's your turn to talk now," Li Feng smiled back, but he didn't forget the business, patted Her Royal Highness's soft and boneless shoulders for selfish purposes, and said with a smile.

"Ah? Oh," Princess Sophie didn't know what she was thinking, she was patted on the shoulder by Li Feng, as if getting an electric shock, her whole body trembled slightly, and she was in a trance for a while.

Is this chick too sensitive?Li Feng felt the soft touch from his hand, and seeing Princess Sophie's face flushed, he couldn't help but feel a little strange, and thought to himself, why doesn't this chick have a crush on this handsome guy without me having a bath?

"His Royal Highness, Prince Leito," Princess Sophie stroked her hair by her ears, sat up straight, and said gracefully, "I am Sophie, and my father did not ask for my consent for the marriage proposal. In fact, I already have Beloved, even if you forcefully marry His Highness Leto, this political marriage will be rootless, with absolutely no feelings at all, and no one will be happy in the end, Your Highness should let it go, Sophie will thank His Highness for your fulfillment."

When it came to "I already have a loved one", Princess Sophie shyly leaned towards Li Feng, which made Li Feng very happy, and his bones were almost brittle.

While enjoying the beautiful blessings, you can also enjoy countless envious eyes, which is what the head of Heimuya has always pursued.

What Jessica said at the beginning unfortunately hit the mark.As soon as the orc prince noticed Princess Sophie, his eyes straightened immediately.Some beauty does not distinguish between races. Princess Sophie, who is as delicate as a flower, has such a peerless beauty that even a rude orc will be deeply attracted, not to mention that the orc prince is also a perverted evil spirit.His Royal Highness was almost seduced by Princess Sophie's frown and smile.

The orc prince's eyes were too naked. Princess Sophie was uncomfortable with his staring eyes. She couldn't help but frowned, and subconsciously leaned closer to Li Feng.

Li Feng is too sharp. Wherever he passes, everyone will immediately cast their eyes on him, and will never pay attention to the people around him.

When Princess Sophie opened her mouth, all the orcs noticed Her Royal Highness's peerless beauty, and were overwhelmed by the princess's brilliance, all of them shut their mouths for a while, not daring to speak out.

At the bottom of the huge cliff, there was an eerie silence.

Li Feng finally knows what it means to overwhelm a country and a city. In the past, he always felt that in the ancient legends, the fight between two countries for a beautiful woman was too exaggerated and a bit unimaginable.

But at this moment, Princess Sophie only opened her mouth, and the furious orcs immediately became silent, and Li Feng had to be convinced, and she was also a little complacent—because although Princess Sophie hadn't been eaten by him yet However, it is undoubtedly already a dish on his plate.

Since ancient times, wars have never ended because of beautiful women, but wars often break out because of beautiful women. Princess Sophie's peerless youth is undoubtedly enough to cause a big war.

"Fulfill you? Why don't Master Heimuya fulfill me and return the princess to me?" The orc prince laughed wildly and said, "You are a mere robber, how can you be worthy of the beautiful Princess Sophie? Sophie Don't be afraid, princess, I'm here to save you, even if you're already in ruins, I won't despise you, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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