The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1716 Pluto Projection

Chapter 1716 Pluto Projection (8)
"I still don't understand. Divine magic and conventional magic are two completely different fields." Boniface didn't seem to hear the threat from Emperor Creshenti, and continued to ask, "Divine magic comes from belief. However, magicians need to rationally discuss the profound meaning of magic. Throughout the ages, there has never been a strong man who has both magic and divine arts. How do you combine the two to create a new magic?"

Magic and divinity are somewhat similar to the conflict between science and religion. Magicians study magic and scientists study macroscopic nature, which is actually the same reason.Even the magicians of the elves, they simply have faith, rather than thinking that their power comes from the gods, which is fundamentally different from religious priests.

"Master Boniface seems to be procrastinating on purpose, and wants to wait until the summoning time limit has elapsed?" Emperor Creshenti smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter, I can give you an answer. It has nothing to do with belief. In the final analysis, it is just a kind of power. It is an extremely stupid thing to divide justice and evil by pure power. Huh? Master thinks otherwise? Then I have to let you see and see, see ..."

Emperor Creshenti raised his palms flat, and on his two palms, two completely different magics gradually condensed into shape.

Although it was just two low-level spells that couldn't be any lower, everyone's expression changed at the same time.

Emperor Creshenti used the magic of light—Healing Light, and the magic of the undead—Bone Spear at the same time.

Casting two kinds of magic at the same time is already a superb stunt like a myth, not to mention that what Emperor Creshenti cast was the magic of the priest of the Holy See of Light and the signature magic of his necromancer.

Emperor Creshenti proved his theory to everyone with practical actions—power is power and has nothing to do with belief.No one can say anything is wrong, otherwise, like Emperor Creshendi, who mastered both the magic of light and the magic of undead - the magic of undead can actually be counted as a kind of magic, so what is he? A believer in God, or a believer in Pluto?
In fact, this theory is not new, Li Feng himself thinks so, and Li Feng has heard about this theory from Mentor Amos, and today it is just another strong evidence.

"Who are you?" Boniface's face darkened, "Who is the person you don't like? What do you want to do?"

Now that Emperor Creshenti had already guessed his plan, Boniface knew that delaying time would not work, so he was in no mood to deal with Emperor Creshenti any more.

"Hehe, why don't you keep delaying time? If the great Pluto wants to kill someone, even if all the people present add up, it will only take one second. What's the use of delaying time? Masters sometimes get confused... "Emperor Creshenti laughed and said: "The master asked who I am? I am the emperor Creshenti of the Barbaric Empire. Do you still need to ask this question?
(End of this chapter)

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