The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1737 Pluto Projection

Chapter 1737 Pluto Projection (29)
For example, Titan Continent is a high-magic world. Using the magic of summoning alien plane beasts, the summoned Titan Continent plane beasts are terribly weak, and even elementary-level monsters cannot fight.

But thousands of years ago, the only one who was exiled by magic from the turbulence of time and space in the space system, exiled to the abyss, and then successfully returned to the Titan Continent, the great magister Jameson, successfully used the magic of summoning a different plane of beasts. The abyss world summoned an abyssal demon, whose strength could at least be comparable to that of a king-rank monster.

The gap between the magic tide of the abyss and the Titan continent is almost negligible, and they can summon a plane beast that is comparable to a king-rank monster.

But Li Feng, the earth is a super low-magic plane, and you have lived on the earth for more than ten years, so you fully meet the summoning requirements.Can you imagine how powerful it would be to summon a divine beast from the super low-magic plane Earth? "

The last sentence, Li Feng's projection was switched to Huaxia, and everyone could guess that this sentence must be the most important, but only Li Feng could understand this sentence.

In fact, even if they can understand, they can only stare blankly.

The earth is a low-magic plane. According to the theory of the magic world, the greater the gap between the magic tides, the stronger the space barrier will be.A high-magic plane like Titan Continent is connected to a plane with the same strong magic tide.Only special two-dimensional planes like the mirror world are exceptions.

Theoretically speaking, there is no possibility of communication between the Titan continent and the earth.Li Feng's ability to go to Titan Continent is an exception among exceptions.

"Hey, it seems interesting," Li Feng's eyes lit up slightly. Although he hadn't studied the magic of summoning alien beasts in detail, he still understood the basic theory.

According to Amos' deduction in his notes, if anyone is lucky enough to go to a plane without magical tides, and then return to the Titan Continent, then he may summon a plane beast that can kill the god's mansion instantly. .

The earth's magic tide has been so low that people can hardly feel it, and it is not much different from no magic tide. Li Feng shivered when he thought of this, he might really be invincible...

Chapter 493 Invincible Plane Beast
"The earth also seems to be a main material world, and the mirror world it corresponds to is completely different from all the planes attached to the Titan Continent." Li Feng still talked to Li Feng in Chinese, "I don't I have stayed on the earth, but I have stayed in two different mirror worlds. This deity should be understandable to you. The mirror world corresponding to Titan Continent is an equivalent relationship with Titan Continent, so it was summoned The plane beast is very weak. But the mirror world where I stayed before you crossed, I can summon a very powerful plane beast. Now please take a good look at this deity, and I will demonstrate it to you."

Li Feng was looking forward to and excited, watching the projection and began to chant spells.

(End of this chapter)

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