The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1747: The Strength of the Wild Empire

Chapter 1747: The Strength of the Wild Empire (3)
Therefore, if Pluto Projection is willing to work for Emperor Creshendi, then Emperor Creshenti will definitely be able to catch anyone he wants to sneak attack at that time.Summoning magic thousands of miles away, even if it is a forbidden spell, its magic fluctuations are not enough to spread that far.

No one can prevent someone from thousands of miles away from attacking him, right?

I don't know, but it's okay to say that now that Emperor Creshenti has revealed his whereabouts, it is impossible for everyone to ignore it, at least until a countermeasure is discussed, no one will rest assured.

Li Feng immediately asked Pluto, at least before everyone killed Emperor Creshenti, the bane, to ask Pluto and Queen Besephone to stop looking in the mirror for the time being.

Although Li Feng's request was a bit difficult, Pluto and Queen Besephone still agreed.It is thanks to Li Feng that the couple can appear in the Titan Continent in a fair manner today, and it is also thanks to Li Feng that they can go to the Titan Continent for sightseeing again in the future.So even if Queen Besephone was reluctant, she had no choice but to temporarily put aside the hobby of looking in the mirror, which all beautiful women have in common.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Queen Besephone looks in the mirror or not, because the projection of Queen Besephone already exists in the mirror world. Whether she looks in the mirror or not, Emperor Creshenti can summon her at any time.

But the problem is that Pluto and his wife have always been inseparable. As long as there is a negligence, the shadow of Pluto will be reflected in the mirror, and the projection of Pluto, who was killed by the crab god beast, will be reborn in the mirror world.

However, even though Pluto and his wife had promised not to look in the mirror for the time being, everyone still couldn't take it lightly. Emperor Creshenti once said that not only Pluto's projection, but also the illusory God of Light also have projections in the mirror world.

Emperor Creshendi had shown everyone that he not only mastered the magic of the undead, but also proficient in the magic of light. It is hard to say whether he would believe in the projection of Hades and the projection of the god of light at the same time.If the projection of the God of Light can also be summoned by this guy to help in the battle, it is no different from summoning the projection of Hades. Anyway, both are divine residences, and killing people is just as clean and neat.

After the coronation ceremony, a grand banquet was held in the palace of the other shore city.At this time, it was already past noon, but although everyone was hungry, but because their hearts were full of worries, they didn't have any appetite when faced with the rich food on the table.

While waiting for the pope to return to the other shore city, Li Feng took the time to bring out the two captured sword masters, and interrogated them in detail in front of everyone.Under the torture of the life needle, the bones of the two sword masters were still not hard enough, and they confessed quickly.

However, what the two confessed was a bit unexpected, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

Everyone was very surprised, why the top power among the majestic human beings would be willing to serve the necromancer, which is a bit unimaginable.

Any living being should be the necromancer's mortal enemy, and these two sword masters are not just as simple as thugs, they did not hesitate to repay Emperor Creshendi with death. It's even more unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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