The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1761: The Strength of the Wild Empire

Chapter 1761: The Strength of the Wild Empire (17)
In addition to the one distributed by Li Feng before the Pluto projection appeared, each emperor now holds two substitute mahogany figures in their hands, so there is basically no need to worry about safety issues.

The faces of the several emperors were full of joy, and they even suddenly felt that it seemed worthwhile to give Li Feng so many benefits, just this mahogany substitute had already earned it back.

If these people knew that Li Feng could make a substitute mahogany figure in half a minute, and the materials used were also high-end goods, I'm afraid they wouldn't think so.

After wholesale the mahogany stand-in, Li Feng turned to look at the Pope and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the Holy See of Light is the necromancer's mortal enemy. Do you want to send people to join the team that hunts down the necromancer?"

To say that the best at dealing with necromancers is not druids, but priests who master the magic of light.

Almost all the divine spells of light can cause huge damage to necromancers and undead creatures, even divine spells such as healing are no exception.The more powerful the necromancer is, the more restrained he is by the magic of light.Of course, undead magic also restrains light magic.

If there are high-level priests in the team, many killer weapons of the necromancer will not be able to exert their due power.For example, the holy purification performed by high-level priests can invalidate all the curse-like magic of necromancers; another example is the light guardian enchantment opened by priests of light, which not only has a strong additional resistance to many undead magics , and can also be immune to spiritual magic such as Howl of Fear.

Moreover, the Holy See is an old enemy of the necromancer, no one knows the necromancer better than them, so there are a few high-ranking priests and paladins in the team, and everyone can prepare in advance for the necromancer's many tricks, and calmly resolve them. The safety factor is greatly increased.

Hearing Li Feng's invitation to the Pope, everyone immediately focused their attention on the Pope. Obviously, they all hoped that the Holy See would send experts to join him.

"Of course, to deal with necromancers, all believers of the God of Light are duty-bound." The pope did not disappoint everyone, and agreed to Li Feng's invitation, but just when everyone smiled, the pope changed the subject again, saying: "But... this team of hunting necromancers must have a leader, right? I don't know who Master Alan plans to let take up this burden?"

Needless to say, besides Ben Da, who else has the qualifications?Li Feng raised his eyebrows, squinted at the Pope, and said, "Then who does His Majesty think is suitable to be the leader?"

Everyone was startled, if the Holy See really wanted to compete with Li Feng for the position of leader, once any conflict happened, it would be a good thing, but it would turn into a catastrophe.

The status of the Holy See has always been aloof. In the previous undead natural disaster battles, the Holy See has always been the unquestionable leader. No matter which force or individual it is, it will never dare to compete with the Holy See.Therefore, in the historical records of all human empires in the Titan Continent, there is this sentence: Under the wise leadership of the supreme Pope, human beings finally defeated the evil necromancer and saved all the creatures in the Titan Continent...

(End of this chapter)

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