The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1763: The Strength of the Wild Empire

Chapter 1763: The Strength of the Wild Empire (19)
As long as we organize a hunting team far beyond the strength of the necromancer according to the strength of the necromancer, it is completely enough, and there is no need for everyone to swarm.And this will also prevent the necromancer from setting traps and killing everyone.Even if there is a trap, it will only be an ambush in a hunting team, and other people can look at the situation and provide support at any time. "

The magic mirror of listening to truth monitors the movement of the necromancer, and the chance of the necromancer setting a trap is actually very small.However, accidents can happen at any time. After all, the Magic Mirror of Truth Listening is only used for half an hour every day. Just a single negligence may cause irreversible consequences. Therefore, everyone can understand the pope's caution.

"Am I not capable of deploying people?" Li Feng glanced around at everyone, and said, "Or does His Majesty think that I'm not worth enough, and that some people would be unwilling to accept the deployment?"

Everyone shook their heads subconsciously when they were swept over by Li Feng's gaze.

If it was before today, I am afraid that few people would really be convinced by Li Feng, but after today, after seeing Li Feng find Pluto, and seeing the scene where Li Feng summoned the crab god beast and instantly killed Pluto's projection, no one would have to. Admittedly, the master of Heimuya can definitely be called a strong man beyond the sanctuary mage.

So for Li Feng's allocation, everyone really has no dissatisfaction, the strong are respected.

After all, in everyone's cognition, all the abilities of the projection in the mirror world come from the deity. Of course, the deity can do what the projection can do, so since Li Feng's projection can instantly kill the Pluto's projection, does it mean that Li Feng Also has the strength to instantly kill Pluto?
Strictly speaking, Li Feng's projection is just a trick, if you really want to fight with Pluto's projection, in such a long time before summoning the crab beast, Pluto's projection can instantly kill Li Feng's projection tens of thousands of times.But don't forget, Li Feng also has a mahogany substitute, which is a super artifact that can withstand the attack of Pluto's projection...

No one knows that Li Feng is actually just a showman at the moment, maybe he will have the opportunity to cultivate to the mirror world of the sanctuary mage in the future, and he can summon the invincible river crab beast.After all, when practicing Taoism, one needs to temper one's mind power. In fact, the essence of mind power is to cultivate spiritual power. Given time, the sanctuary mage is not even the end of his cultivation.

But that would take too long, at least now Li Feng is not so perverted, it can only be said that his growth potential is unlimited, which is unmatched by all the masters of Titan Continent.

"Master Alan is at least not familiar with the abilities of the masters, is he?" Of course the Pope will not easily give up this great opportunity to be famous in history, "I have some friendship with the masters, and there are also records about the masters in the Holy See. It is very complete, and even every spell mastered by every master is clearly recorded, so I think it is most suitable for me to do this."

Seeing that Li Feng raised his eyebrows and wanted to express his opinion again, the Pope quickly added: "Actually, as the leader of the hunting team, I just help coordinate and coordinate the manpower. Specifically, where to fight and whom to fight are all in charge of Alan." You have the final say, what does the master think?"

(End of this chapter)

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