The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1766: The Strength of the Wild Empire

Chapter 1766: The Strength of the Wild Empire (22)
The Six Great Empires don't need to sell Li Feng's face, because Li Feng is a loner, even if he has invincible strength in the world, but without the support of strong forces, his deterrence is still not enough.But the face of the Holy See must be sold by the six empires. In the final analysis, strength is the most important thing.

"Alan, have you forgotten us?" The blood elf king was silent for a long time, and finally interrupted: "Although we are not human beings, we are always a member of the intelligent creatures of the Titan Continent. Under the threat of the undead natural disaster, we are willing to Contribute your own strength, I hope Alan you will not shut us out."

Although Li Feng is the honorary elder of the blood elf kingdom, he obviously represents the human side now, so the blood elf king didn't call Li Feng an elder.

As soon as the blood elf king interrupted, the other natives of Mount Everest also expressed their willingness to fight.

A rotten ship also has three catties of nails. Although it is not as good as the human overlord, the strength of the Everest natives should not be underestimated.Especially in terms of high-end magic power, the combined strength of the three major elves is enough to compare with any human empire, or even surpass it.Other druids, dwarf kingdoms, etc. also have many powerful fighters.

Chapter 500 I'm Going to War

"However, Alan, we hope to only accept your deployment," the Blood Elf King added after glancing at the Pope.

In the eyes of the Holy See, all the non-human races present today are basically heretics.The Light God Sect is an extremely exclusive sect. Anyone who does not believe in the Light God or other intelligent creatures is a heretic.

Even those who believe in the God of Light but also believe in other gods are also heresies.For example, Emperor Claudius was a follower of the God of Light, but he was also a follower of the sea god Amphitrite, so he could be said to be a complete heresy.If it wasn't for his sensitive status as an emperor, and because he didn't publicize the doctrine of the Sea God, I'm afraid the Holy See of Light would have come to trouble him long ago.

Because of the dominance of the Holy See, it is impossible for the Blood Elf King to allow the few masters in the clan to accept the Pope's assignment.Otherwise, if the pope digs a trap and kills all the strong blood elves in one fell swoop, then the blood elves may be in danger of subjugating their country and genocide.

There are precedents for this. In the previous battles of undead natural disasters, the Holy See of Light has done many things to entrap allies and eliminate dissidents. The blood elf king's caution is not a trivial matter.

The other natives also nodded repeatedly, agreeing with the blood elf king. They were full of wariness towards the Holy See of Light, and every intelligent race with different beliefs.

"Well, there is no problem with this." Li Feng agreed without asking the Pope's opinion at all, "We are all allies of Heimuya, so we can discuss it among ourselves."

The pope looked displeased. He didn't really want to kill the blood elves and other alien masters, but he made it clear just now that as the leader of the hunting team, he has the right to deploy manpower, or the obligation At this time, Li Feng didn't ask him any questions, but just took over the matter in a big way, which was really a shame to him.

(End of this chapter)

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