The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1788 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow

Chapter 1788 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow (8)
Achilles uttered a high-pitched dragon chant braggingly, and carried Avril to the enemy again.

The battle has been going on until now, and there is not much suspense. It was impossible to fight six against six, but now it has become eight against five, and the Parthian side is even more no match.

Nana still had a lot of purple gold heavy arrows in her hand, but she didn't dare to waste it like this, and the effect of attacking four strong men at once was not as good as concentrating on targeting only one strong man.After all, it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.

The three strong men who were hit by arrows just now were actually not injured at all, they were not fatal, and they didn't even have a great impact on their combat effectiveness.That's why Nana now often holds the strings and doesn't shoot, and only shoots that fatal arrow when she aims at the right time.

When Avril Lavigne returned to the battlefield, a sword master had already been pierced through the right chest by Nana's heavy purple and gold arrow. Although he was not dead for the time being, it looked almost the same.

With Anayi's tears, the giant armband, and the purple gold heavy arrow, the three major trump cards, Nana finally became a super sniper that everyone feared.Especially in the case of a sneak attack, even a strong man like a sword master or a great wizard will be killed by her arrow.

Moreover, Nana also has the even more frightening Arrow of the Curse of the Dead Bone and the Arrow of Breaking the Devil, but there are not many of them. It is too wasteful to use them to deal with such small fish and shrimps. At least they should be used on Necromancers.However, using purple gold heavy arrows to fight against the enemy is already extravagant. There is no one else in the world who can do this kind of skill except Li Feng.

As expected, it is a master who is supported by a rich man, which is especially scary.

If it wasn't for being taken care of by Li Feng, an upstart who turned out to be a messy rich lover, how could it be possible for Nana to be equipped with such extravagant equipment?
Anayi's Tears, Nemean Lion's Giant Strength Armband, Purple Gold Heavy Arrow, Dark Bone Cursed Arrow, Demon-Breaking Arrow, all of them are almost peerless artifacts. Except for Li Feng, no one else has any way to get them. arrive.

Without these equipments, the strength of the blood elf chick would be greatly reduced.

With Avril and Nana taking action, Li Feng doesn't need to make a sneak attack for the time being.In fact, Nana's sneak attack was enough to make the only four remaining powerhouses in Parthia terrified.

No one has ever seen such a tyrannical archer, who can actually threaten such strong men as the Juggernaut and the Great Magister. If the archers are so strong, then the elves would have already dominated the Titan Continent?
The battle was soon settled, two opponents of Amos were directly attacked to death by Nana, Eferas also defeated the Grand Magister Cassandra, and captured him alive. In fact, the Grand Magister Cassandra saw The defeat has been decided, so I took the initiative to stop and let Eferas seal it, otherwise Eferas would have to spend a lot of time.

With the help of Dragon Knight Avril, Gerald quickly settled the Red Sun Juggernaut, but he did not kill him.

Of the six powerhouses who emerged from Parthia, only these two survived. It is a pity that so many powerhouses have fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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