The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1794 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow

Chapter 1794 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow (14)
"What is the reason for these super undead creatures to walk on the ground?" The Pope asked impatiently when he saw Li Feng.

"I'm not sure. The Magic Mirror of Truth Listening is only used for half an hour a day. It's impossible for me to monitor the ground all the time." Li Feng shook his head, and then said: "However, according to my guess, these super-level undead creatures It should be inspired by the necromancers. When I was monitoring the necromancers, I found that some necromancers had entered the gathering place of super-level undead creatures in the past few days, and then retreated. Although I did not see or hear them dialogue between them, but I think the possibility of super undead creatures being instigated by necromancers is very high."

The relationship between necromancers and ultra-level undead creatures is not one of harmony, and conflicts often break out between the two, because super-level undead creatures are the best magic pets of necromancers.Between two intelligent creatures, one wants to subdue the other, and it is strange that there is no conflict.

Ordinary undead creatures are full of intimacy with necromancers and can be easily subdued.But the super-level undead creatures with wisdom are different. In order to avoid the fate of becoming slaves and thugs of necromancers, they sometimes even join forces to hunt down necromancers.

Therefore, it is actually rare for necromancers to rashly enter the territory of super-level undead creatures.Because the ultra-level undead creatures are very united, and their strengths are all tyrannical, if the necromancer rashly enters the territory of the ultra-level undead creatures, there is usually one end-death without a place to die.

"I have already known the strength of super undead creatures from your firework flying letters, so the lineup of strong human beings summoned should be more than enough to eliminate them. So, shall we set off right now?" The pope saw Li Feng I don't know the reason, so I stopped asking, but asked for a fight anxiously.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, the army of undead creatures is still gathering at the exit, we have plenty of time," Li Feng ignored the Pope's eagerness to make contributions, but said unhurriedly: "Now I have a problem. The sub-ultra-level undead creatures were encouraged to walk on the ground, did the necromancer learn about the existence of the Magic Mirror of Truth, so he encouraged these stupid super-level undead creatures to do a test?"

All the masters in the room were stunned. This possibility does exist.

"Then according to what you mean, do you want to let these super-level undead creatures wreak havoc everywhere, and we just ignore them while watching?" The Pope was a little angry, not all because his dream of making great achievements was thwarted, he actively participated in the hunting of undead mages Actions, in fact, do not want to see the loss of life.

As the head of the Holy See of Light, even though Pope Stephen inevitably has selfishness, his character can still stand the test when it comes to such major issues.

Chapter 507 Envoy to the Orc Empire

Ultra-level undead creatures will also use the summoning magic of necromancers. They are even more slick than necromancers, and that is their innate magic.Therefore, if a large number of ultra-level undead creatures rush to the ground and summon endless zombies and skeletons, the disaster caused will be even worse than that of the necromancer.

(End of this chapter)

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