The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1813 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow

Chapter 1813 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow (33)
Most of the credit for such a small number of casualties should be attributed to the strong protective power of the Nine Dragons Flame Wall Barrier.The barrier of protection of light released by the priests of the Holy See has long been torn to pieces by violent magic collisions. Only the enchantment of the Nine Dragon Flame Wall made with nine layers of overlapping magic arrays still firmly guards the safety of everyone.

However, Li Feng took a look at the magic crystals on the magic circle diagram, and couldn't help but feel a little pain in his flesh.The magic crystals inlaid on the dozens of flaming chariots rushing to the front are all dim at this time. If they don't rest for a while and let the magic crystals slowly recover, I'm afraid that these magic crystals may be scrapped.

You must know that these are all king-rank magic crystals, and they were all consumed like this. You can imagine how fierce the final battle was, and how many deadly attacks these dozens of flame chariots withstood.

In addition, the stand-in mahogany also played a huge role. If it weren't for the stand-in mahogany, Li Feng would definitely not let Avril and Nana intervene in the battle.

The mahogany substitute can only withstand one attack, that is to say, as long as it fights with the enemy, it will be damaged. If there are really many mahogany substitutes to resist all the attacks of the enemy, no amount of them will be enough.

But the stand-in mahogany has a characteristic, it will only work when it comes into contact with the host's body.Therefore, as long as the mahogany substitute is separated from the body at ordinary times, and when it is unable to withstand the enemy's attack, then pinch the mahogany substitute, and it can be used to save life at critical moments.

Undead creatures will not leave magic crystals or anything, so there is no need to clean up the battlefield. It is only necessary for the people of the Holy See to purify the land.

However, everyone can't call it a day yet.

"Everyone take a rest, we may face a wave of more powerful enemies in a while." Li Feng said coldly while fiddling with the magic mirror of listening.

Everyone was stunned, now that a fight has just ended, why is there another enemy?

Li Feng called the Pope over and said, "Your Majesty, please call again. Although the number of enemies in this wave is less than that of super undead creatures, their strength is many times stronger. We may not have enough people."

The Pope looked at the image in the magic mirror of Hearing Truth in amazement, and suddenly there was a huge wave in his heart.

In the dark underground, there are three superpowers that the Pope never expected—Emperor Creshenti, Angel of Terror Ambrose, and Bone King Casper.

Emperor Creshenti actually got mixed up with two holy necromancers, which really surprised the Pope.

But thinking about it, it doesn't seem impossible.

Emperor Creshendi's ambition is to unify the entire Titan Continent, which seems to run counter to the camp of necromancers, but after all, Emperor Creshenti was once the top master of necromancers. Friendship is nothing unusual.

Moreover, the Necromancer probably still doesn't know about Emperor Creshendi's ambitions—if Emperor Creshendi himself hadn't been exposed in the city of the other side last time, wouldn't everyone be equally ignorant of Emperor Creshendi's ambitions?
(End of this chapter)

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