The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1815 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow

Chapter 1815 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow (35)
The Pope froze for a moment, and then his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He was really frightened.The Guangming Holy See has always been domineering, and never thought about the possibility of being ripped off. How could it send people to the deep mountains and old forests to find such an extremely hidden cave?
Chapter 512
"Your Majesty has already seen the enemy's lineup, and the three of them, Emperor Creshendi, Angel of Terror Ambrose, and King of Bone Casper, each have a strong team. The thirteen emperor-level undead creatures must also They each have a large number of subordinates." Li Feng raised his chin at the Pope, and said, "Your Majesty, you should hurry up and call for people, so that everyone can gather in the city of the other side first, and prepare for the war."

The pope said in amazement: "Didn't it take four days for the army of the undead camp to reach the highest holy mountain?"

Li Feng rolled his eyes, "Does Your Majesty want to put the battlefield on the highest holy mountain?"

The pope really wanted to put the battlefield on the highest holy mountain, because in the home court of the Holy See, whether it was the pope or ordinary priests, their strength would be greatly improved.

In the highest holy mountain, the pope can even use the power of faith of hundreds of thousands of believers to manipulate divine punishment and instantly kill any supreme powerhouse.

But in fact, this situation is impossible, and the necromancer will not be so stupid as to rush directly to the highest holy mountain.

Among the group of people in the Magic Mirror of Listening to Truth, there is a quasi-holy-rank mage and two holy-rank necromancers, who are dozens of miles away from the highest holy mountain, and powerful holy-rank spells can directly blast over.

Moreover, undead magic has strong pollution characteristics. One mistake may cause the power of faith that has condensed thousands of years in the highest holy mountain to collapse.

If there were such serious consequences, Pope Stephen would undoubtedly become a sinner of the Holy See. Even if all the necromancers could be successfully eliminated in the end, he would never be able to wash away this huge stain.

"Creshendi is still negotiating conditions with the Bone King and the Angel of Terror. Once the conditions are negotiated, the undead army will set foot on the ground. There are dense woods to block the sun, and the undead army does not even need a dark sky to march during the day. So after a while Depends on the situation, if there is an opportunity, we will definitely meet them." Seeing that the pope was speechless, Li Feng did not chase after him, and changed the subject: "Actually, I find it very strange that these thirteen heads The emperor-level undead creature looks like it is on the side of Creshendi, this old ghost is too powerful."

As the king of a country, Creshendi certainly cannot stay in the dark underground world all day, but he is actually closer to the thirteen emperor-level undead creatures than the necromancer who stays in the dark underground world all day, which is really a bit Incredible.

If the emperor-level undead creatures are so easy to win over, don't the necromancers near the water tower know how to do it?Creshendi's ability to fool thirteen emperor-level undead creatures can only show his skill.

In the past, Li Feng thought that Denver, the Lich King, was a very powerful commander, but now he found that the old ghost Crescenti was probably even more cunning and cunning than Denver. At least Denver should not have thirteen emperor-level undead creatures under his command. Do thugs.

(End of this chapter)

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