The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1830 7 Colorful Dragon City

Chapter 1830 Colorful Dragon City (14)
What the earth sanctuary mage Hardstaff releases is the field of disordered gravity, which is another fatal field. It amplifies the gravity within the area covered by the field dozens of times, and tampers with the direction of gravity randomly and disorderly.

This field has just appeared, and within a radius of ten kilometers, it suddenly felt like a blowout. Countless people were magnified by gravity dozens of times, pulling them into the air like meteors, or rolling horizontally, or flying out dozens of times. Under the gravity of the body, he was directly crushed to pieces by his own weight.

This is the horror of the disordered gravity field. It can change the direction of gravity in the field beyond recognition. One moment people are flying into the sky like a meteor, and the next moment the direction of gravity may return to normal. Pulled by dozens of times of gravity, it hit the ground like a weight.

The fatality rate in the field of disordered gravity is higher and faster than that of the previous fields. Fortunately, everyone in Heimuya, who are slightly weaker individually, have all escaped through the teleportation array. The whole army will be wiped out.

The field appeared too fast, and many fleeing dragons had not had time to fly out. At this time, they were hit by seedlings, and the dumplings fell to the ground one by one, leaving their skin and flesh bruised.Even with the strength of the giant dragon's body, under the acceleration of dozens of times of gravity, it hit the ground quickly, and it still couldn't bear the huge impact force.

There were a few unlucky giant dragons whose heads hit the ground, directly broke their neck bones, and died.Even if they didn't die, they were pressed to the ground under dozens of times the gravity, and they didn't even have the strength to turn over.

What Boniface releases is the field of weathering and decay. All things in the field, including living creatures, will weather and wither at a rapid speed, as if washed by a long river of time.

The trees and stones on the ground withered, weathered and shattered almost in the blink of an eye.

All the undead creatures with physical bodies will immediately have large cracks in their bodies, and the liches and ghosts without physical bodies will die faster, and will be weathered into ethereal dust and smoke in the blink of an eye.The lowest-level skeleton warrior was even shattered to pieces the moment the domain appeared.

The resurgent realm of the seventh-order Ash Dragon is even more terrifying. In this realm, there cannot be any sparks, otherwise it will spread into a big fire in the blink of an eye, and once the fire is ignited, it is almost impossible to extinguish.

What's especially frightening is that the resurgent domain overlaps with Ravenscroft's sauna steaming domain, causing many strong people with insufficient magic resistance, the water that has begun to boil in their bodies, to spread into a big fire in the blink of an eye. From the inside to the outside, it was burned to ashes.

As soon as the six major fields came out, it was like a selection contest, all weaklings with weak strength were eliminated, and within a radius of ten kilometers, it completely became the stage for the top-notch strongmen.

The undead camp suffered particularly heavy casualties. All undead creatures below the super level were eliminated, and all necromancers whose strength was below the great wizard were all dead without a place to die.

(End of this chapter)

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