The best bandit in another world

Chapter 185 Li Feng Transformed

Chapter 185 Li Feng Transformed (35)
Although he is not as thick-skinned as a person who cultivates fighting qi, it is almost impossible for the ghost wolf to attack him.

Every time he dodges, it seems extremely thrilling, but only he himself knows that there is actually no danger at all. He has already calculated the trajectory of the ghost wolf's pounce, and even if there is any accident, with his Skills, also have time to dodge.

Li Feng's performance not only confused the students, but also successfully deceived the wolf king. By the time it reacted, Li Feng had already crippled four ghost wolves.

Teacher Charles had also successfully killed another ghost wolf at this time.

There were a total of 33 ghost wolves that attacked, including the wolf king's 34, but Li Feng alone managed [-] of them, and adding the two killed by Mr. Charles, it was fifteen.

This is almost half of the total number of ghost wolves.

The ghost wolf has been roaming around in the thorn forest for so long, when did it suffer such a big loss?

The wolf king finally got angry, and with a long howl, he rushed towards Li Feng. It was about to move out by itself. At the same time, when the ghost wolves heard the wolf king's long howl, they immediately dropped their opponents and rushed towards Li Feng. The teacher's four ghost wolves all rushed over.

It seems that Li Feng's output is too strong, which has attracted the hatred of the wolf king, so it wants to command the younger brothers to besiege Li Feng together.

Li Feng was also taken aback, isn't he, why are they all targeting me?

When other people encounter such a situation, most of them are temporarily avoiding Fengrui, but Li Feng is not an ordinary person, he goes directly to meet the wolf king.

The wolf king wants to deal with him, but he also wants to capture the king first.

Li Feng's courage is God's work, but everyone's brows twitched when they saw it. All the swordsman students chased in Li Feng's direction, and Teacher Charles rushed over immediately.

However, there was not much time left for them to react, because Li Feng and the wolf king were not far away from each other. At the moment when they were surprised, Li Feng and the wolf king did not stop at all.

It is of course extraordinary that the wolf king can command so many ferocious creatures of the same kind. Its speed soared like a white phantom.

When the distance between the two was less than five meters, the wolf king flicked his limbs, jumped up suddenly, and went straight to Li Feng.

Li Feng was about to wait for the wolf king to release the scroll just like dealing with ordinary ghost wolves, but the wolf king opened his mouth wide, and countless cyclones appeared in his mouth.

Li Feng secretly yelled, this wolf king is actually different from the ghost wolf's innate magic.

In fact, Li Feng guessed wrong, it wasn't different, but after the wolf king was promoted, he had two kinds of innate magic, one was the original acceleration magic, and the other was the one that was about to be released now.

Li Feng's mental power is very sensitive, and he immediately guessed that it was a wind magic, and judging by the speed at which the magic elements gathered, the power of this magic must be quite strong.

Before Li Feng could dodge, the three circling wind blades had already reached his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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