The best bandit in another world

190 Chapter 3 Take It Easy

190 Chapter 3 Take It Easy ([-])
Therefore, compound magic is very difficult to master. Dual-line or multi-line magicians usually need to be very cautious when trying compound magic skills.

Li Feng's eyes began to light up. The wolf king was obviously afraid that Li Feng's wind blade would be mixed into his cyclone wind blade magic. Danger.

Without hesitation, Li Feng shook out four scrolls in a row, all aiming at the wolf king's big mouth.

As soon as the wolf king saw Li Feng's movements, he immediately released the cyclone wind blade, because Li Feng's mental lock made it clearly feel the crisis.

Magicians are very sensitive to mental locking. Although the wolf king is not as good as a magician, its intuition is even stronger.

Mr. Charles didn't have time to turn around just now, and he was still facing the wolf king until now. Although he didn't figure out why the wolf king gave up continuing to shorten the distance and released the magic directly when he had the upper hand Yes, but it doesn't matter if you don't understand, what you need to do now is to dodge the three cyclone wind blades.

In fact, this distance is not too far. Teacher Charles doesn't have much room to dodge, and he has to worry about Li Feng's safety, which makes it even more difficult to dodge.

Teacher Charles stepped back with Li Feng, but the range covered by the cyclone wind blade was not small, and he avoided most of it, but there was still a wind blade cutting straight towards Teacher Charles.

Master Charles's sword lit up with grudges, and he slashed at the wind blade.

The wolf king's sharp claws can scatter the wind blades, and Teacher Charles' great sword can also crush the wind blades. If it weren't for the three wind blades in the cyclone, Charles wouldn't even have to dodge.

This sword also caused Mr. Charles to pause for a while, and at this pause, the wolf king had already rushed forward, and at the same time, there was a ghost wolf on the left and right sides.

Teacher Charles slashed at the wolf king with his sword, and at the same time kicked at the ghost wolf that was rushing towards Li Feng on the left.

But such a short distance, and Li Feng has to be taken care of, how can he dodge it?Teacher Charles was ready to be injured. His dodging movements were not as flexible as Li Feng's, but none of those exposed to the ghost wolf's minions was fatal.

This is not a learned skill, it can only be done so naturally after being tested in countless battles.

Even the wolf king had to avoid the sharp edge of the middle-level sword master's sword. Mr. Charles forced the wolf king back with his sword, and kicked the phantom wolf with his left foot.

However, the ghost wolf's minions were sharp, and although it was kicked backwards by Teacher Charles, its sharp claws also pulled a few long holes in Teacher Charles' legs.

The ghost wolf on the right was almost about to bite Mr. Charles, when suddenly four small cracking sounds sounded from the left.

The ghost wolf howled miserably and flew backwards.

Li Feng sent out four wind blades this time to rescue Teacher Charles. Three wind blades cut off one of the ghost wolf's claws, but the other wind blade hit the ghost wolf's chest and abdomen, although it did not break the ghost wolf. Even with the defense, the impact force of the wind blade still knocked the ghost wolf away fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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