The best bandit in another world

196 Chapter 9 Take It Easy

196 Chapter 9 Take It Easy ([-])
It's just that the performance of the magic students was a bit unsatisfactory. The magic of each student didn't seem to have much power, and their accuracy was extremely poor. Under the rapid movement of the wolf king like a phantom, few spells could hit it.

Compared with Li Feng's precise wind blade, it can be said to be horrible.

Mr. Charles didn't dare to relax at this time. The ghost wolf was relatively rare. He had never encountered it before, and he didn't know what skills this ghost wolf king hadn't displayed yet. In order to prevent accidents, the sword in his hand was always kept The best posture for swinging the sword, if there is something wrong, you can shoot immediately.

It was difficult for the students to hurt the wolf king, and it was difficult for the wolf king to cause great harm to the students during the siege. In the end, the wolf king was almost tortured to death.

It's just that the final battle with the wolf king lasted for two hours. When the wolf king fell to the ground, it was already dawn.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Mr. Charles was not in a hurry to let the students go on the road. The ghost wolf is a herd-type monster. In the Thorn Forest, there are probably few monsters who dare to provoke them. So although there is a lot of blood here, there will be no monsters. Come here, after fighting for most of the night, the team can rest here.

"Alan, you saved everyone this time, including me, the teacher. The teacher wants to thank you." Teacher Charles found Li Feng and said with relief.

Li Feng was very modest for a moment, "Teacher, you are serious. It was only through the concerted efforts of everyone that we were able to win a big victory. Moreover, no teacher can stand up to the wolf king. I am afraid that no one here can survive. is the biggest."

Teacher Charles laughed, "Alan is really humble. Don't worry, I will report today's events truthfully after I go back. Your credit must be ranked first, and no one can take it away."

At this time, many students gathered around, all of them could not hide their excitement, they kept talking loudly to the people around them about the battle just now, and their eyes glanced over Li Feng from time to time, all of them couldn't hide their admiration .

This battle may not be the most intense battle in their lives, but it is definitely the first time they have faced such a battle, and they have also seen a fierce magician who is in a mess, which will be a big challenge in the future. Good capital to brag about.

After a life-and-death fight, everyone was very excited, so Teacher Charles didn't say to let them rest for a while. I believe that no one would be willing to rest at this time. Is tired and hungry.

Although many people came to strike up a conversation, Li Feng still hang out with Jessica and the chicks. Those compliments almost made his ears callous. Worship, but at last he didn't say anything nasty.

After all, they have been with Li Feng for a while, and it is not easy to say those nasty things about people they are too familiar with.

Li Feng still had a wretched smile on his face, but in the eyes of a few chicks, it had completely changed. He felt that his evil smile looked really attractive.

(End of this chapter)

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