The best bandit in another world

213 Chapter 26 Take It Easy

213 Chapter 26 Take It Easy ([-])
Because a powerful aura suddenly rose from the darkness, every teacher suddenly felt oppressed.

Super-level Warcraft, this word emerged in the hearts of all the teachers.

Chapter 69
How could there be a super-level monster here?
The Thorn Forest is equivalent to the college's private land, how could there be super-level monsters entrenched here?

The teachers immediately realized that this was not the time to think about these things. Teacher Ke Lin killed two elementary monsters with a single sword, and then stopped attacking and stared intently at the direction where the roar came from.

Except for the only two high-level sword masters who withdrew to come to Teacher Ke Lin, the rest of the teachers still stick to their positions.

Ultra-level monsters are unparalleled, and middle-level sword masters are not enough to intervene in this level of battle, and each of them has their own responsibilities. Protecting the safety of the students should be the first priority.

A great swordsman and two high-level swordsmen, even if they can't kill a super-level beast, they should be able to resist it for a while.

As for what if they can't resist?
On the mainland, super-level monsters are almost synonymous with death and destruction. Every teacher has a shadow in his heart. If Teacher Ke Lin and the others can't resist the super-level monster, then even if they can kill this super-level monster in the end , It will definitely bring a lot of casualties to the team, which is something that every teacher is unwilling to see.

"Alan, have you run out of scrolls? Come and help." Mr. Charles yelled out while entangled with the manticore.

The other students were fighting fiercely and had no time to pay attention to it, but Li Feng, an idler, immediately sensed that something was wrong. Li Feng could only feel the powerful aura that had arisen just now more clearly.

I don't know what kind of super monster it is, but it is so well hidden. If it hadn't been exposed by itself, even Li Feng, who has such a keen sense, would not have noticed it.

Hearing the urging of Teacher Charles, Li Feng responded casually, but he was not in a hurry to make a move, but frowned and looked in the direction of Teacher Ke Lin.

He is also very curious. Almost all super-level monsters can be called overlords, and even a few super-level monsters have intelligence that is not inferior to humans. Not many people can witness super-level monsters with their own eyes.

Even the adventure group that hunts monsters in the wild all the year round rarely have the chance to meet super-level monsters.

Ultra-level monsters often demarcate the territory and dominate one side. The places they occupy usually have obvious characteristics to warn intruders, so few people will accidentally enter the territory of super-level monsters.

The super-order monster that came now, for some unknown reason, came to trouble the team. You must know that the super-order monster is not low in intelligence. It should know that even if it has the ability to kill everyone here, it will definitely draw human revenge.

What's more, just relying on the people here, they are fully capable of killing it. Isn't it asking for its own death?
(End of this chapter)

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