The best bandit in another world

219 Chapter 32 Take It Easy

219 Chapter 32 Take It Easy ([-])
I'm not a tortoise, how could I live for more than a hundred years?I'm afraid I have to go into the coffin halfway through the practice.

So Li Feng can't get enough energy to practice martial arts now. He concentrates on recalling those pill recipes every day, but unfortunately, if he doesn't remember it, he doesn't remember it, and he can't recall anything when he thinks about it.

The three teachers finally slowed Tongyou Gui's footsteps a bit. After all, the attacks of a great sword master and two high-level sword masters were quite painful.

Who would have thought beforehand that the main force to deal with super monsters would actually be Li Feng, who looked very laid-back at first?

People who are familiar with Li Feng or not are all dumbfounded. People who are familiar with him are thinking, how many secrets does this guy have?Is he really omnipotent?
People who are not familiar with him are also thinking, who is this guy?Why is it so fierce that even a super-level beast can withstand it?
The three teachers were the most surprised ones. They never thought that they would be reduced to a supporting role in this battle, completely unable to get involved, while the main force in the battle was a first-year "magic" student.

Does this look like the performance of a "magic" student?If the magic students are all so fierce, then those of us who practice grudges, don't we want to dig a hole and bury ourselves?It's embarrassing to save it.

The three teachers felt ashamed and humiliated. They actually wanted a student to attract hatred. Even the birds don't bird them.

In fact, don’t blame them, the gap is too big. This is a super monster that is about to be promoted. Compared with ordinary super-order monsters, its strength may be more than double or twice higher. Even once it is successfully promoted, its strength will skyrocket several times. times, it is simply not something that a great swordsman plus two high-level swordsmen can match.

Li Feng was able to make Tongyou Turtle so afraid, it was just a trick.

Chapter 71

Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, the true energy circulated for a week, Li Feng was refreshed, and he raised his sword again.

Tongyou Turtle seemed to be a little bit crazy. It pushed the three teachers back with a tail hammer, and suddenly let out a loud roar, which made people's ears go numb.

This roar is not only loud, but also has substantial lethality.

A ripple that was almost visible to the naked eye rippled outwards with the roar. Li Feng was about to rush forward, but was bounced by the ripple and almost turned over.

Is this magic?It seems that there is no fluctuation in the magic element, and there is no relevant record in the Warcraft Illustrated Book. Fortunately, the lethality is not great.

The three teachers were obviously taken aback and hesitated to go forward.

The Tongyou Turtle forced the four of them back, and let out another high-pitched roar. The roar was continuous. This time, he didn't see the ripple like a shock wave just now, but Li Feng's expression changed slightly, because he clearly sensed that the nearby Under the roar, the magical elements began to fluctuate.

(End of this chapter)

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