The best bandit in another world

221 Chapter 34 Take It Easy

221 Chapter 34 Take It Easy ([-])
His agility is also approaching its peak. This is the first time since he practiced martial arts that he has unreservedly used his agility. No one in the field can see his figure clearly, only afterimages are left behind. in sight.

But even so, after the Frostbolt passed, there were still more than a dozen blood holes left on his body. Fortunately, the wound was frozen by the freezing air, and no blood leaked out. Otherwise, with so many holes in his body, bleeding alone would be enough. his life.

Li Feng felt a lingering fear in his heart, but everyone else looked in disbelief.

One only needs to look at the blood holes covered in the three teachers to know that after the arrow rain, Li Feng was only hit by ice arrows more than a dozen times. What an amazing record this is.

The onlookers didn't feel the horror of the rain of arrows, but they didn't need to feel it, they could think about it, is the magic of the super monster just for fun?
When the overwhelming ice arrows were released, not only the souls of the four people who were on the scene all died, but also the people who saw this scene from a distance were also shocked. Under such a terrifying magic shroud, can anyone survive?

But the fact is that all four of them survived, but the three teachers probably lost their combat effectiveness—the whole body was almost beaten into a sieve. If they can still maintain their combat effectiveness, it would be too exaggerated.

Li Feng was the one who was the least injured. This result was really unexpected.

What level of master are the three teachers?They were all injured so badly, but Li Feng was only slightly injured. Doesn't that mean that Li Feng is stronger than the three teachers?But how is this possible?

Li Feng escaped, but he didn't breathe a sigh of relief, because the Nether-linking Turtle was already in front of him.

As soon as Li Feng moved, there was a sharp pain. Even if the wound was numb from the cold, if he moved too much, he could still feel severe pain.

The Frostbolt has full penetrating power. There are more than ten holes opened in front of him, and there are the same number of holes behind him, because every Frostbolt passes through in opposite directions. Fighting, Li Feng only felt that he was looking for death.

When it wasn't injured, four people couldn't handle it. Now that it's injured, it becomes a one-man deal with it. The difficulty is really not 01:30.

Li Feng used to use [-]% of his power to leave the Tongyou Turtle behind, but now that he has almost reached his [-]th power, it is even more difficult to dodge.

This is not going to work, and sooner or later he will be played to death by this bastard tortoise, Li Feng immediately realized this, it seems that it is impossible not to take some risks.

Li Feng threw the sword into the interspatial ring, but took out a dagger, one inch shorter and one inch dangerous, although the dagger is short, it has its advantages, that is, it is much lighter than the long sword.

Li Feng is quick both in movement and in attack. He was also limited by his own thinking at first. Thinking of the same origin of the evil sword technique and the Sunflower Canon, he thought of using a long sword as a weapon. In fact, it is completely unnecessary. Dongfang Bubai is not invincible all over the world with just one embroidery needle?

The essence of the Sunflower Collection is speed, the world's martial arts, only speed can not be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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