Chapter 227
But all of this is nothing, he was able to compete with a super monster, and even had the upper hand for a time.

Jessica, did this amazing person fascinate you?do you like him?Did you fall in love with him unknowingly?

Jessica hadn't found the answer yet, but through her tears-blurred eyes, she saw the Nether Turtle rushing towards Li Feng, and couldn't help but screamed: "No."

Then she saw a scene that she will never forget.

Everyone saw this scene.

Li Feng, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, had already condensed a thin layer of ice on his body. In the firelight, colorful light was reflected, and there was a kind of despairing beauty, but the next moment, this beauty was completely shattered.

Countless shards of ice shot out in all directions, and the thin pieces of ice made a terrifying whistling sound.

Li Feng broke through the ice and came out.

Chapter 73

The magic of the Nether-linking Turtle is really terrifying, because this kind of monster is very rare, and the Nether-linking Turtle that is about to advance to the lord level is even rarer, so even in the Warcraft Book, there is no record that the Nether-linking Turtle can use such terrifying magic.

Li Feng was already very wary of the Nether-connecting Turtle. Li Feng thought he had the confidence to avoid many of its magics, but he never thought that the Nether-connecting Turtle's magic was so terrifying.

The moment the magic was released, Li Feng realized something was wrong, but by then it was too late.

The speed at which the magic spread was so fast that Li Feng was frozen into an ice sculpture before he even had time to react. Fortunately, at the moment when the cold current hit his body, Fu Ling's heart came to a halt, otherwise he would have been in a fast moving state. Frozen into an ice sculpture, the inertia of moving would surely cause him to fall.

What happens when an ice sculpture falls to the ground?If you think about it with a strand of hair, you can know that it must be ice crumbs all over the place.

Li Feng is not a thermometer, so he can't estimate how much below zero the cold current is, but he can freeze a living person into an ice sculpture in an instant, without thinking about it, he knows that it must be extremely terrifying.

Not only was Li Feng's body frozen into an ice sculpture, but even his thinking seemed to be frozen. Fortunately, the true energy in his body was still able to move.

The blood is frozen and solidified, but the meridian is not a blood vessel, and the true qi cannot be solidified. At the time of life and death, the true qi is like a wild horse that has run wild. A big week runs.

Li Feng's breathing was stagnant, his true qi could not be exchanged with the outside world, and the turbid qi could not be discharged. It was stored in his body and began to rush around.

Originally, there was a fixed circuit for the operation of true qi, but now Li Feng couldn't control the true qi at all, and the true qi began to rush in disorder. The human body is like the most precise instrument. What are the consequences of infuriating true qi?
True Qi loses control and runs wild in the body. Commonly known as madness, what are the consequences?In light cases, all martial arts will be lost, the whole body will be paralyzed, and in severe cases, they will be killed.

The meridians without true qi flow were originally blocked, and when a certain level of skill is needed, they should be opened up slowly through kung fu. This is also the biggest reason for restricting the progress of martial arts masters.

(End of this chapter)

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