Chapter 26 Crossed (26)
Adonis rolled his eyes and said, "Then go and complain to the Patriarch, let's go."

He said the last sentence to his four followers, and he turned around and left after the four followers. They laughed and whispered as they walked. Li Feng couldn't hear what they said, but he only listened to these few. The guy's laughter, you know there must be nothing good.

The old man looked a little helpless. He was just a servant. Although he was responsible for protecting Adonis' safety, he could not interfere with what Adonis wanted to do. Although he was helpless, he still shook his head and prepared to follow up to protect Adonis. .

At this time, a young man with luxurious clothes and extraordinary bearing walked out of the door. The old man hurriedly bowed to the young man. This young man was the eldest son of the Marquis Mansion. His calm demeanor was completely different from the frivolousness of Adonis. .

Seeing the old man, the young man asked a few words, knowing that his younger brother was out fooling around again, he felt a little helpless, shook his head and said, "Sir, you don't have to worry about Adonis today. There are many things in the mansion today, and you need to help me." He waved to the side and called a guard, "Take a few people to follow Adonis."

Protecting Adonis is not a good job, the old man was eager to be relieved, and followed the young man into the mansion.

Li Feng saw from a distance that the old man did not follow to protect Adonis, he lifted his spirits, and said in his heart that Adonis, you bastard, is doomed, and your grandpa Li Feng is going to take revenge.

In fact, Li Feng didn't really want to kill Adonis, but he was beaten up twice by Adonis, and he was extremely upset. bed.

Li Feng fell behind the four guards sent by the Marquis's mansion to protect Adonis. He saw a few people entering a remote small hotel from a distance, and felt a little strange. He wondered what the hell these guys were doing. Back to the mountain game, right?

Li Feng saw the four guards also entered the hotel, followed him in, and saw the four guards going upstairs, and there was only a fat proprietress sitting in front of the counter in the hotel, seeing Li Feng walking in, she said lazily: " Sorry, there are no rooms today, those people have already booked all the rooms just now."

Li Feng deliberately walked over slowly, until the footsteps of the four guards disappeared, he went to the counter, and asked: "There is no room? Can we discuss it and come out in one room?"

The proprietress was impatient, and was about to speak when Li Feng struck like lightning, cutting his palm on the side of the proprietress' neck. The proprietress was fat and seemed to have a stronger resistance, and she glanced at Li Feng in astonishment. Turned over, passed out.

Li Feng supported the proprietress, let her gently lie on the counter, walked to the door of the hotel, changed the sign on the door to "Closed", closed the door gently, and climbed upstairs lightly.

At this time, Li Feng's heart was pounding and he was a little nervous, but the madness factor in his character broke out, and his spirit seemed to be excited. Although he was nervous, he didn't feel any fear.

Li Fenggong listened intently for a while with his ears together, and determined the room where Adonis was. The four guards stayed in the adjacent room.

(End of this chapter)

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