The best bandit in another world

Chapter 285: Three Princes

Chapter 285 The Thirteen Princes (25)
Li Feng sighed, but didn't know what to say to comfort Andre.

Andre gritted his teeth, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, hissed: "It's all my fault, if I hadn't taken Jenny out, nothing would have happened."

Li Feng shook his head, poured medicine powder on Andre's wound continuously, and said in a low voice: "No one wants these things to happen, but do you know who your enemy is?"

How could Andre not know?He was locked in the dungeon and whipped non-stop all afternoon. Of course, the person who whipped him reported himself.

Li Feng said: "Since the matter is irreversible, it is useless to regret it, you should think about how to get revenge."

Andre's face was ashen, and he said miserably: "Revenge? What should I use to avenge? Drazen is a marquis, and I don't know how many guards he has under him. How can I take revenge as a person who has not even started fighting spirit?"

Li Feng finally covered Andre's body with medicinal powder, and the bottle of bone powder was almost empty, so he put the bottle away casually, and said calmly: "As long as you have the intention to take revenge, as for strength? Don't worry, I have you. "

Andre suddenly stared at Li Feng, "Alan, can you give me the power to take revenge?"

Li Fengdao: "It's not sure yet, we'll know after the test."

Andre had a glimmer of hope, and stared at Li Feng expectantly, not even noticing that the wound on his body was healing rapidly, but Li Feng didn't speak any more, quietly waiting for Andre's wound to heal.

Andre's scars looked terrifying, but the whip was whipped on people, but it was painful. Apart from excessive blood loss, Andre's injuries were actually not serious. Under the miraculous effect of bone powder, it took less than 10 minutes , the wound has fully healed.

Only then did Andre feel a strong sense of hunger, and subconsciously looked at his belly.

"What's the matter? All my injuries are healed?" Andre looked up at Li Feng, "Is it because of the powder you just sprinkled on me, Alan?"

Li Feng let out a breath and stood up, "Well, I just invented bone powder, which is very effective in healing wounds. You should be very hungry now, right? Commander Enoch should have prepared food, Get dressed and go out and get something to eat."

Li Feng took out a few pieces of his own clothes from the space ring and threw them to Andre. Although Andre was stronger than himself, the clothes might be a little smaller, but now he had to make do with it. Enoch's wife Mei Linda has already rested, so she can't wake her up to help him find clothes, right?
The clothes are a little tight and look a little awkward, but I can't be picky at this time.

When the two walked out of the room, the maid came out with Jenny. It seemed that the maid took her own clothes and put them on Jenny, which was also the maid's dress.

When the maid saw Li Feng, she looked at Li Feng almost as if she was looking at a god. It seemed that the medicinal effect of bone powder had shocked her a lot.

Li Feng nodded and greeted; "Let's go, go and eat something."

(End of this chapter)

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