The best bandit in another world

Chapter 301 What I Want to See Most

Chapter 301 What I Want to See Most (5)
Emperor Claudius has not announced what kind of reward Li Feng will get after handing in the formula, but Li Feng believes in the magnanimity of a king of a country, and believes that the reward will not disappoint him.

Emperor Claudius himself has a heart-wrenching demeanor, and Li Feng has been infected by him unconsciously.

Chapter 95 Father and Son Double Dukes
The pen and paper were delivered quickly, and Li Feng wrote down the formula and production method, including the problems that need attention, all written in great detail. As long as the names of some medicinal materials were a little scratchy, he finally sent a copy of "The Encyclopedia of Plants". Just solved the problem.

A few thin pages of paper were so heavy that Emperor Claudius' hands trembled a little.

Emperor Claudius directly received the formula into his interspatial ring, and arranged for the production of bone powder, which could only be handed over to the most trusted people, but he is not in a hurry now.

After getting the bone powder formula, Emperor Claudius seemed to let go of a big stone in his heart. He lifted his spirits, patted Li Feng on the shoulder and said: "Bone powder is of great significance to the empire. Big, and it is incomparable to anyone, tell yourself, what do you want?"

Li Feng also cheered up, now is the time to bargain.

Just before the bone meal was handed in, if Li Feng raised the conditions rashly, he would definitely be regarded as threatening the bone powder. In this case, Li Feng might be able to get a lot, but it would undoubtedly anger the emperor, no matter how good it was. The emperor with a temper could not tolerate being threatened.

If the emperor was angered, unless Li Feng escaped from the empire, the days to come would definitely be very sad.

Now he handed over the bone powder first, this is the favor owed to him by the empire, as long as the emperor is not a ruthless idiot, otherwise he will definitely not treat Li Feng badly.

The attitude of Emperor Claudius did not disappoint Li Feng. When the emperor rewarded his courtiers, can you be picky?But Emperor Claudius could let Li Feng make his own terms.

The few people watching from the side all looked at Li Feng with envy and jealousy.

Li Feng thought about it carefully, but suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know what he wanted.

money?If I don’t know how to earn it myself, why go to someone else to ask for it?
right?I'm not very interested.

Beauty?Uh, look at Jessica, forget it.

It seems that what I want most is not what the emperor can give me.

What Li Feng wants most is the invincible strength in the world, which is not something anyone can give him, except Shendi.

Li Feng thought for a while, but he still didn't know what he wanted. He couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. Damn, isn't this a loss-making business?The things are sent out, but I don't expect to get anything in return. My buddy is just like an alien version of the ****.

Everyone held their breath and waited for Li Feng to speak. They were also very curious, wondering what Li Feng would want?

Amid everyone's expectation, Li Feng raised his head blankly, "Your Majesty, can you kill Drazen?"

(End of this chapter)

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