Chapter 32 Crossed (32)
As soon as Li Fengzhen made a move, he immediately stretched out his hand to grab the falling sword. His technique was swift and incomparable. Abandoning the sword, taking the needle, shooting, and grasping the sword were all done in one go. .

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, Li Feng knew that although his needle pierced the eye of the guard leader, it was not fatal. It's a good time to pursue. Although Li Feng doesn't have much combat experience, his mind is ever-changing, and his ability to grasp combat opportunities is not much weaker than those veterans who have experienced many battles.

Li Feng attacked the three of them one after another, seemingly relaxed, but in fact, not only was he highly nervous, but also his qi was running at a high load. He had only practiced "Sunflower Treasure" for less than a month, how deep could his zhenqi be?He used all his strength for several moves in a row, and consumed a huge amount of his true energy. At this moment, he felt that his true energy was running low, so he must not let the leader of the guards regain his energy.

Under the rage of the guard leader, his mind seemed to be much duller. He saw a black shadow rushing towards him with one eye, and before he had time to react, he was stabbed in the chest by Li Feng's great sword. Wearing steel armor on his body, Li Feng's sword couldn't penetrate it.

Li Feng held the sword in both hands, with the hilt resting on his chest, charged forward suddenly, and roared, "Die to me."

Such a powerful force finally broke through the armor, and the leader of the guard uttered a roar. In this life-and-death situation, one of the intact eyes recovered a bit of clarity, and he punched Li Feng's chest, hitting Li Feng's mouth. He spurted blood and flew out backwards.

Li Feng put all his energy into the sword, and when the head of the guards hit him with a fist, he had no energy left to dodge. After receiving this punch, his internal organs seemed to be turned upside down.

Li Feng flew upside down in mid-air, constantly slandering in his heart, this guy is too aggressive, he is going to die, and even punched me so badly that he spewed dozens of taels of blood, if everyone in the other world is so aggressive , then I'm going to squirt to death just by spitting blood, what's the fuck?
The leader of the guards punched out, and it seemed that the vitality was also drained out with the punch, and he fell limply.

When Li Feng was flying upside down, he had already adjusted his posture constantly, landed on the floor, staggered two steps, and finally stood firm, but this was not the time to be happy, he was injured, and his true energy was exhausted. There was less than one piece left, but there was a naked Adonis standing at the door of the room.

Several people fought too fast, and Adonis hadn't made up his mind whether to wait for the guards to kill Li Feng, or run away first, when he saw that Li Feng had already taken care of the four guards.

Seeing Li Feng looking over, Adonis' legs trembled, and he was so frightened that he was so frightened that the thought of running away was only in his mind, but he couldn't move his legs.

Adonis really fucked his shit. Not only did he fart, which made Li Feng roll his eyes, he also pissed and drew a map on the floor.

Li Feng cursed in his heart, this kid is so vicious, he used all the biochemical weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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