Chapter 34 Crossed (34)
Andre hesitated for a moment, but Li Feng ignored him, walked up to a young man who was unconscious on the ground, stabbed several times in the heart, walked to the next person, and did the same.

With such a cruel method, Jenny screamed in fright, and fainted in Andre's arms. Even Andre couldn't help but twitch his brows, hurriedly picked up the big hammer, and ran out with Jenny in his arms. When the two went out, Li Feng reminded: "During this time, it's best to let this chick hide. Someone ran away just now, and he recognizes this chick, and he will definitely come to find her when the time comes."

Andre said yes, but his footsteps didn't stop. Li Feng's cruel methods really scared him. He really didn't know if Li Feng would kill Xing Xing and kill him together.

Li Feng kept his hands on. Everyone made a sword, making sure that everyone was dead and couldn't die anymore, and then walked downstairs. He was not bloodthirsty. He knew the family environment very well. If he didn't kill them, it would bring Jenny a lot of trouble, and even implicate others.

While stabbing people, Li Feng said in his heart, seeing that you guys are so proficient in kidnapping people, it must not be the first time you have done this kind of thing. ?
Li Feng babbled to himself, walked downstairs, saw the fat pig-like proprietress, thought that the proprietress guarding the hotel must know that Jenny was kidnapped, but she still let these youngsters take over the hotel, It is convenient for them to do things, at least he can be regarded as an accomplice, and his heart is also vicious. Li Feng raised his sword and wanted to kill her together, but after hesitating for a long time, he finally couldn't do it.

It was his first time killing people today. He had just killed those teenagers, and he could find a lot of reasons to comfort himself. Moreover, after the fierce battle just now, there was a murderous aura in his chest. After killing a few people, the murderous aura was exhausted. I can't do it anymore.

Li Feng scolded: "I'm going to make you a fat pig today. When I'm free, I'll send you to vote for an authentic pig fetus."

Li Feng stuck his sword on the counter and walked out of the hotel. This hotel is very remote, so those young people chose to work here, but they probably never thought that it was because of the remoteness that they booked the hotel. So it was convenient for Li Feng to get rid of them. Even if the fight was so fierce, no one came to save them.

It was not long after dark at this time, and it was less than half an hour from Li Feng's attack to the time Li Feng walked out of the hotel. Although he fought fiercely with several guards, the winner was determined by one or two moves. It didn't take much time.

When Li Feng came out of the hotel, he left the clothes he had snatched inside. When he was away from the hotel and gradually there were pedestrians on the road, he returned to his demented appearance. A few souls.

Li Feng was walking on the road, and was blown by the cool night wind, the blood in his head gradually calmed down, and then he felt scared for a while. When he shot, he didn't consider the consequences at all. He didn't know the strength of the enemy, and even his own strength. It's not clear, it's just that when the brain is hot, it kills it regardless of the consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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