Chapter 36 Crossed (36)
At this moment, he really regarded himself as Algernon's son.

Chapter 16
Algernon's body froze suddenly, and then his face was filled with disbelief and ecstasy. He looked at his son excitedly, with cautious eyes, almost thinking that he was in a dream.

Li Feng took a breath, since he was impulsive, he had to make up the lie, "Father, Teacher Amos cured me, and I am already a disciple of Teacher Amos."

Algernon was a little incoherent with excitement, "What you said is true? Teacher Amos would make a move. How is this possible? I mean, he is an old man with a noble status. How could he fall in love with a fool as his apprentice?" Immediately realized It seems a little wrong to say this, "I mean, Alan, why did his old man suddenly accept you as an apprentice? This is too incredible, how is this possible?"

Li Feng understood Algernon's excitement, his thoughts turned, and he made a look of confusion, and said: "I don't know why Teacher Amos accepted me as a student, maybe because I have the talent to learn magic What? I have learned a spell today."

Algernon was extremely emotional now, and he didn't know if he heard Li Feng's words clearly, but he just put his arms around Li Feng and murmured incoherently: "It's good to be back to normal, it's good like this, the God of Light must have heard me Thank you for the mercy of the God of Light, Alina, have you seen it? Our son is healed, can you see it in the sky?"

Algernon kept repeating these words, and tears came to his eyes. He hadn't shed tears for more than 30 years. Since he limped and cried once, he never shed tears again.

He is a strong man. Although guarding a demented son, he never complained, let alone shed a tear. Even when his wife passed away, he also firmly kept his promise to his wife. His wife asked him to look at her with a smile. Leaving, he did it, he did not shed tears in front of his wife's tombstone, he always had a smile on his face, he wanted his wife to leave with peace of mind, he let her see his strength, he has always guarded the treasure of the two - —Alan, but this strong man, at this moment, finally couldn't hold back the tears that filled his eyes. He didn't know why he was crying. My son is fine, why should I cry?
He reached out to wipe his tears, but there were more and more tears. This strong man cried like a child. While wiping his tears, he murmured, he was talking to his dead wife, and he wanted to confide the pain in his heart , He never talked about it before, because he was afraid that his wife would worry about him, but his son got better, and he could finally say that he wanted to let his wife know the pain in his heart, he wanted to let his wife know that he was still strong, and that he would be strong in the future. Stronger, he wants his wife to know that even though he has pain in his heart, he still fulfills his promise, he guards the treasures of the two, and watching him grow up slowly, he feels that even if he dies now, You can go to see your wife calmly.

This night, Algernon was talking ramblingly. Sometimes he didn’t even know what he was talking about. He just kept saying that since the death of his wife, there was no This is more than one night.

(End of this chapter)

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