The best bandit in another world

Chapter 457 The Mount Delivered to the Door

Chapter 457 The Mount Delivered to the Door (10)
Towering giant trees abound in the forest, but Chimera completely ignores the giant tree blocking the way. It grabs the tree with its pair of giant claws, and the big tree immediately bursts with sawdust and breaks from it. Li Feng's eyes twitched.

High-level monsters have a strong deterrent effect on low-level monsters. Fearing the deterrence of the Chimera, Qinglin's legs seemed to tremble a little when running in the air, which made Li Feng even more worried.

Fortunately, now Li Feng is quite handy at driving the Qing Lin 騧, otherwise it would be up to the Qing Lin 騧 to dodge on their own, Li Feng would have been hanged many times, even if he was not hanging under the Chimera's flame spray, he would probably have been knocked down continuously The big tree was smashed into meat sauce.

The five chimeras took turns breathing fire, which lasted for at least a quarter of an hour, but there was still no sign of stopping the fire, as if they could continue spraying endlessly.

Li Feng realized that it would not work to keep dodging like this. He could not be sure when he was accidentally sprayed by flames. The flames emitted by the Chimera were extremely hot. Li Feng was far away, and his hair was roasted. Some burnt.

If he could jump onto Chimera, Li Feng would be sure to instantly kill such high-level monsters, but the problem is that Chimera's flames are too lethal, and Li Feng has no chance to get close to them.

Fortunately, the five chimeras were all attracted by Li Feng, and they didn't chase the three who were avoiding them, otherwise Li Feng would be even more flustered. You must know that the other three green-scaled hawks still need to be manipulated by Li Feng. Yes, distraction is not an easy task.

Li Feng rode a green scaled 騧 and brushed past a big tree hugged by two people, hoping that the big tree could stop Chimera a little bit, or at least let it move its paws and slow down the speed, but he soon found out that this was not the case at all. It didn't work, Chimera didn't even bother to move its claws, and directly sprayed a flame on the big tree, and even in the middle of breathing, it directly burned the tree, Li Feng was frightened, this kind of power is really terrifying, Fleeing under the pursuit of this kind of flame, Li Feng felt as if he was dancing face-to-face with the god of death.

Li Feng was always separated from the Chimera by tens of meters, otherwise he might not be able to escape the flames of the Chimera, but such a long distance made it impossible for Li Feng to launch an attack on the Chimera.

After escaping for a while, Li Feng decided to take a risk. With a flip of his wrist, the Black Moon Knife appeared in his hand. Li Feng escaped Chimera's jet again, his eyes brightened, and with a wave of his arm, the Black Moon Knife came out of his hand.

The Black Moon Knife flashed across the air, making a terrifying scream, and the jet-black blade swirled and danced, like a black lightning that pierced the sky, passing across the head and neck of a Chimera.

Li Feng calculated exactly where the Moyue Knife fell, and drove the Qinglin 騧 to gallop over. Li Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and the high-speed rotating blade suddenly stopped in Li Feng's hand.

Only then did the chimera stop spraying flames, and its wings flapped feebly a few times, and its two heads fell down neck-to-neck, and then its huge body fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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