The best bandit in another world

Chapter 478 The Mount Delivered to the Door

Chapter 478 The Mount Delivered to the Door (31)
There was no blood on the girl's dry lips, and even the bloody patterns on her face seemed to have dimmed a lot. The girl licked her lips, her voice was weak but still sweet, "Alan, you are a good person .”

After being issued a good person card, Li Feng was not depressed at all, but just tightened his grip on the girl in his arms.

The girl's breath was a little weak, but she continued, "You know? The moment I was caught by those hateful slave traders, my heart was already withered. I thought I was dead at that time. Fortunately, I Met Alan, I am very happy these days, I seem to enter the next reincarnation of blood cotton, have a second life, Alan, this is what you gave me, when I was a child, I often heard my mother say, all human beings They are all evil and cruel, but Alan, why do I think you are a good person?"

Another good person card, Li Feng hugged the girl tightly, as if he wanted to hold on to the girl's fading vitality.

The girl gasped for a while, and murmured in a low voice: "Alan, I think I like you a little bit, but there is no reason for this liking, why do I like you? Is it because you forcibly took away my first kiss? "

Which man can be indifferent when he hears a beautiful girl's confession?At least Li Feng can't, he's just a pure little virgin, still a fledgling emotionally, at this moment he only feels that his affection for the girl is soaring infinitely, especially when this is the last confession made when the girl's life is about to wither , Li Feng's goodwill is rapidly changing and sublimating.

The girl stared into Li Feng's eyes, this was the first time she looked at Li Feng so boldly after being kissed by Li Feng that night, "Alan, can you do me a favor?"

Li Feng said in a low voice: "Speak." His voice was a little low, and it sounded a little sad.

The girl smiled sweetly, and on her dull face, there was a bit of radiance again, "After the blood elves wither, they can only fall into the arms of Goddess Anayi when they sleep in the blood cotton. Can you send me back the blood cotton and blood cotton?" Is it the Iguazu Forest, the hometown of the goddess Anayi?"

Algernon, who was sitting by the fire, was shocked when he heard this, with a complicated look on his face.

The flower burial ceremony can only be performed by the closest relatives. The blood elf girl asked Li Feng to send her back to Iguazu. Although it was a request, it contained the purest affection.

Back then, Algernon sent his wife back to the hometown of Blood Cotton after going through untold hardships. Unexpectedly, his son would repeat his father's trajectory now. Is this the reincarnation of fate?
Li Feng didn't know that there was a deeper intention in the girl's request, so he nodded silently.

The smile on the girl's face became even sweeter, and the vitality that was about to disappear seemed to glow again.

Li Feng's face changed slightly, because he could sense that the girl's vitality hadn't actually increased.

Biqingdan, as long as people are not dead, they can hang their lives, and they will not die for at least three days.

(End of this chapter)

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