The best bandit in another world

Chapter 483 The Mount Delivered to the Door

Chapter 483 The Mount Delivered to the Door (36)
Li Feng took out a Chimera magic crystal again and stuffed it into Ai Fuli's hand.

The fiery red magic crystal shone with a strange light in his eyes, Ai Fuli's eyes were a little straight, not only him, but the rest of the people were also secretly startled.

High-level magic crystals are expensive, but they haven't seen them before. What surprised them was that Li Feng took two high-level magic crystals at random. This kind of generosity of throwing magic crystals like Chinese cabbage can't be helped. Don't surprise them.

Seeing that Ai Fuli was in a daze and didn't answer for a while, Li Feng frowned and said, "Isn't that enough?"

"Enough, enough, you didn't bring any goods, and the commission won't cost that much." Ai Fuli didn't put away the magic crystal immediately, but seemed a little panicked. He suddenly felt that the magic crystal in his hand was a bit thorny, and he could throw it away. A character with two high-level magic crystals, are his things so easy to get?
Li Feng didn't think too much about it. For him, high-level magic crystals were just taken at random. He could instantly kill most high-level monsters with his bare hands. If Chimera was not a flying-type monster, Li Feng would still kill it instantly.

In fact, Chimera's strength is already close to that of super-level monsters, and it is also the best among high-level monsters. It is not because of the advantages of flying-type monsters that they can force Li Feng into such a mess.

Li Feng yelled to Andre and the others to pack up the tent and come over.

A high-level magic crystal not only allowed several people to join the caravan smoothly, but Ai Fuli also freed up two carriages for several people.

The horses in the Titan Continent are not magical beasts, but they are very powerful and can almost catch up with cattle. The horses specially trained to pull carts are stronger and not slow. The most important thing is that they are very spiritual. After training, When I see a monster, I don't panic and run around. At this time, I pull the carriage very smoothly.

Li Feng and Bancroft shared a carriage, and Andre, Jenny and Algernon sat in another carriage.

"The blood of blood elves is different from that of human beings. The blood of different blood elves is compatible, so once the blood of blood elves is frozen and loses vitality, other blood elves must transfuse their own blood to the sick. The activity in the blood of a healthy blood elf will drive the blood of the sick to rejuvenate." Bancroft received the reward, and he spoke very carefully.

"The blood elf's talent is magic power extraction, which can draw magic power remotely. In fact, this talent can also be used in reverse. When two blood elves' bodies stick together, they can pour their own blood into the body of other blood elves. The blood of elves is very delicate, not only will it be frozen, but sometimes other problems will occur, so in order to keep the blood alive, blood elves will often perform this kind of blood infusion with close people. This is the way blood elves express their closeness. "Although Bancroft is a slave trader, he really knows a lot about blood elves.

(End of this chapter)

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