The best bandit in another world

Chapter 506 Leopard Man

Chapter 506 Leopard Man (23)
However, Avery was too happy too early. Anything can happen during the journey. If you don’t reach the destination, it’s definitely not safe. The Everest Mountains stretch for thousands of miles. It's just out of the range of barbarians.

Because of the ferocity of the barbarians, in the area where they are active, apart from dealing with the barbarians, there is no need to worry about bandits and robbers, and even the attacks of monsters are rare.

But beyond the sphere of influence of the barbarians, countless bandits and robbers began to show their heads, and there were also many scattered monsters, but these did not pose much threat to the caravan, and even some weak robbers did not dare to attack the caravan. , Just wait and see from a distance and leave, which also makes the caravan people full of confidence in the journey.

Five days later, the test finally came. There are only two days left to go out of the mountains, and then they can enter the barren wasteland all the way. The orc empire is far away, and everyone is excited. The attack extinguished everyone's excitement.

At noon, everyone was about to take a break and eat something, but in the mountains and forests on both sides of the road, countless figures quietly appeared, and the mercenaries in charge of security immediately blew their piercing whistles, breaking the tranquility of the mountains and forests.

Hearing the blowing of the bone whistle, the figures in the mountains and forests no longer concealed their whereabouts, and appeared one by one in an upright manner.

The people in the caravan couldn't stop their hearts from sinking. In just a short while, at least a thousand figures walked out of the forest. It is rare for ordinary bandits to have hundreds of people. Even well-informed businessmen have never encountered a bandit group of thousands of people.

What's even more chilling is that there are dozens of longbows among these people, not clay hunting bows, but regular longbows.

Bows and arrows are controlled weapons no matter which country they are in, and few of them are left outside. The standard longbow is not like an earthen hunting bow that can only shoot some ordinary beasts. The arrows shot by a regular standard longbow are enough to pierce Through the armor of ordinary swordsmen, they can exert great power on the battlefield. Excellent archers have always been very rare and precious. These bandits can get standard longbows, and the origin is not simple.

The most important thing is that these people exude a strong and iron-blooded aura. Li Feng's eyes flickered. He felt that even if these people were not active soldiers, they should have been soldiers at one time, because of the aura they displayed , can only be possessed by battle-tested fighters.

Li Feng can see that these bandits are not simple, and of course the mercenaries can also see that. The deputy head of the mercenary group, Barrett, walked out of the crowd, looking like he wanted to try to make friends with the bandits, but welcome His was a shower of arrows.

The sharp arrow clusters fly in the air, making a terrifying whistling sound. Compared with the magic of ice arrows of the Nether Turtle, the power of this arrow rain may be somewhat lacking, but this kind of momentum is incomparable to the magic of the Nether Turtle. of.

(End of this chapter)

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