The best bandit in another world

Chapter 518 Leopard Man

Chapter 518 Leopard Man (35)
Once someone started, the rest of the mercenaries began to shout for surrender, even the Leopard who was trying to resist, broke away from the battle, and the mercenaries had already surrendered.

Seeing the surrender of the mercenaries, the merchants were really heartbroken. The mercenaries are all powerful swordsmen. After surrendering, they might be able to become bandits. Most will become slaves.

Ai Fuli had been looking at Li Feng all the time, it seemed that he hoped that Li Feng could make a move, but he was disappointed, Li Feng had no intention of making a move at all.

The caravan seemed to be completely over. Li Feng shook his head and drove the carriage to make a detour. He even greeted the Leopard Man, but he didn't get a response from the Leopard Man.

The robbers were confiscating the weapons of the mercenaries. They were a little stunned when they saw the two carriages leaving. They didn't know what was going on. Qi Qi looked at a big man with a swollen face. It seemed that this man was the leader of the bandits.

In the past, as long as the carriage followed in the team, the trained horses did not need a coachman at all, but now Li Feng had to go forward and drive the carriage by himself. Behind Li Feng's carriage.

Seeing Li Feng's calm demeanor, the bandit leader was a little startled and uncertain, so he didn't give an order for a while.

"Second leader, this man said he has something to report." A robber escorted a mercenary to the leader of the robber.

The bandit leader was still looking at the two carriages of Li Feng and the others, and said absent-mindedly, "Oh, what's the matter?"

The mercenary opened his mouth, and there was a foul smell. The bandit leader almost kicked the mercenary out, but fortunately, the mercenary's words made the bandit leader dispel the idea of ​​kicking him. Sen, the second master, don't let those two carriages go away. The person in the carriage is very rich, and he rewards the people with high-level magic crystals directly thrown out, and there are two beauties on the carriage, one is even blood Fairy beauty."

Chapter 158 This sister is so hot
Hearing the high-level magic crystal, the robber leader's eyes lit up. Immediately after the beauty Benson mentioned, the robber leader's eyes shone with greed. Li Feng's carriage.

The fiery beauty next to the bandit leader frowned, but still didn't say anything.

Li Feng looked at the robbers in front of the carriage, and said with a smile: "Are you sure you want me to stay? It's easy to keep me, but it's very difficult to send me away. You haven't heard of it Is it easy to ask God and send God away?"

The robbers were full of sneers, as if they were laughing at Li Feng's lifelessness. One robber sneered, and suddenly drew his sword and chopped off. The horse pulling the cart was easily beheaded and fell to the ground.

The carriage lost its balance and was about to fall forward. Li Feng jumped off the shaft, and the blood elf girl behind her also jumped off the carriage holding the 'air conditioner' and landed beside Li Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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