The best bandit in another world

Chapter 535 I Decided Not to Kill You

Chapter 535 I Decided Not to Kill You (16)
Ferdinand was also by Li Feng's side, and he didn't have much worry on his face. The location of the cottage is too special, and more than 500 robbers will definitely not be able to attack it. What's more, the cottage has joined a powerful master, which is even more powerful.

"They must have come for the caravan that you just robbed. This caravan is really a big piece of meat. It is known that there are many robbers passing by this caravan. We just took advantage of the quick strike." Ferdinand Those who are used to being the head of the family obviously know the bandits nearby like the back of their hands.

"How do you usually deal with the attacks of other robbers?" Li Feng asked without looking away from the robbers below, tilting his head.

Ferdinand smiled, "Don't worry, the master, the terrain of the cottage is dangerous, and it doesn't take much effort to deal with this level of attack."

Speaking of Ferdinand walking aside to arrange tasks for his subordinates, there is indeed nothing to worry about. It is very appropriate to describe the current terrain of the cottage with the bandits below. It is impossible to attack come up.

The robbers at the bottom of the mountain clamored for a while, and finally couldn't help but began to move around. Many robbers came up along the corridor.

Ferdinand didn't rush to order the attack, and waited until the robbers reached halfway up the mountain before shouting, "Cast stones."

Countless stones the size of millstones rained down on the robbers in the corridor, and suddenly a scream of crying father and mother came to the top of the cliff. There is no room to dodge, only to be smashed passively.

There were hundreds of robbers who touched the corridor. After a round of stone rain, less than half of them were able to stand on the corridor. They were either knocked off the cliff or smashed into meatloaf by stones.

If the robber who fell off the cliff is strong enough, there is still a little chance of not being thrown to death. After all, swordsmen who practice fighting qi are rough-skinned and thick-skinned. At most, it is the end of missing arms and broken legs.

So seeing the second round of stone rain approaching, many robbers immediately jumped off the cliff neatly.

Jumping off a cliff is not enough to avoid the rain of stones, but most of the stones are aimed at the tunnel, so the chance of being smashed is less. Except for a few unlucky ghosts who were hit by stones as soon as they landed, most robbers can land smoothly , but less than ten survived.

The robbers at the bottom of the cliff wandered around for a while, then receded like a tide, leaving behind corpses all over the place.

Li Feng's eyes were a little straightened, these robbers are really interesting, did they come here specially to die?
Ferdinand stared coldly at the bandits retreating below, but there was a look of loneliness in his eyes.

"Uncle Ferdinand, the location you chose to set up camp is really good. I'm afraid even if the army comes over, there's nothing we can do about it." Avril's face was full of excitement.

Ferdinand twitched the corner of his mouth, but he didn't feel much complacent.

(End of this chapter)

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