The best bandit in another world

Chapter 540 I Decided Not to Kill You

Chapter 540 I Decided Not to Kill You (21)
Avril was obviously stunned for a moment, "The people in the cottage are basically alone, who should the pension be paid to?"

Li Feng was also stunned, but immediately waved his hand, "Whether you are alone or not, anyway, the pension system must be finalized, which is very important for the cohesion of the cottage, and even if you are alone now, can you still be single for the rest of your life?"

Avril nodded, she had already begun to feel that Li Feng, the head of the family, was not bad. Although sometimes he did things that made people laugh and cry, but the system established now was undoubtedly far-sighted.

Ferdinand quickly brought in two rogue-headed guys, "Boss, they are accountants in the village, and they have always handled the distribution of spoils."

Although the two heard that the Shanzhai had changed its head, they hadn't met Li Feng yet. At this time, they hurriedly greeted Li Feng, and Li Feng responded lightly, "If you do well, you will be rewarded, but if you do well, you will be rewarded." If it’s worse, the punishment will not be less, you two are responsible for distributing the spoils, don’t let me hear someone saying that you are favoritism.”

Their hearts skipped a beat, this big boss is not as easy to talk to as Ferdinand, they have heard people in the village talk about Li Feng's deeds, and kept saying that they dare not.

Li Feng tilted his head, "I'll leave it to you here, and everyone in the cottage must send it, so there should be no mistakes or omissions."

Ignoring these two rogue-headed guys, Li Feng walked out of the room first, Ferdinand stayed in the room to assist the two, and Avril Lavigne never worried about such things, so she followed Li Feng out.

"Big boss, seeing that you are so familiar with the affairs of the cottage, you wouldn't have been a robber before, right?" Avril was really curious about Li Feng. Li Feng looked younger than her, but not only had a mysterious and unpredictable She is so good at dealing with counterfeit affairs, she really couldn't help but be curious.

Li Feng said with a grin: "Although I have never been a robber, I have always longed to be a robber."

"What are four bandits?" Avril Lavigne's charming big eyes were filled with question marks. Just looking at her cute appearance, no one would have guessed that this beauty's fiery temper was almost comparable to that of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

"It has a big territory, many subordinates, a lot of gold coins, and most importantly, a lot of beautiful wives." When Li Feng said "beautiful wives", his lustful eyes kept scanning Avril's face , the intention is self-evident.

Avril narrowed her eyes, but what she said made Li Feng almost choke to death on her own saliva, "I also want to sleep with a handsome guy every night. According to the master, I also want to be a robber."

Li Feng felt that molesting this fiery mistress was really not something to pay attention to, so he laughed dryly, "Little San, it's getting late, let's go to bed."

Before Avril could react, Li Feng put oil on the soles of his feet and ran away in a hurry.

Avril was stunned for a moment, only to hear the ambiguity in Li Feng's words, narrowed her eyes, looked at Li Feng who was running away, and suddenly laughed after a while, "You are so cute."

(End of this chapter)

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