The best bandit in another world

Chapter 550 I Decided Not to Kill You

Chapter 550 I Decided Not to Kill You (31)
Li Feng waved his hand, "Okay, get this big guy up quickly, be careful not to break its fur."

The two robbers hesitated for a moment, then rushed to the top and shouted: "Two people come down, the head of the family ordered not to break Jin Yanhu's fur, you throw a thick blanket down, we will wrap Jin Yanhu, don't be in the mountains Its fur was scratched against the wall."

Soon, two bandits slipped down the rope with thick blankets. After a busy work, Jin Yanhu cautiously rose towards the top of the cliff under the guard of the four bandits.

Li Feng saw that Jin Yanhu had climbed to the top of the cliff, and before the people on the top lowered the rope to guide him, he used his hands and feet to climb up the mountain wall, scaring the two robbers who were about to throw the rope down. one jump.

Li Feng looked at the fire that was still raging, and thought that he didn't know how the ground would be burned, and he had to rebuild the gate of the cottage tomorrow.

Walking to Jin Yanhu's corpse, he stretched out his foot and kicked it, Li Feng smiled triumphantly, this tiger came at the right time, the 'Dragon Chair' was just carved in the afternoon, and in the evening the tiger brought the mat, It's so sweet.

The robbers next to him all looked at the head of the house in awe, no one dared to speak casually, even Avril Lavigne, who had the most fiery temper, had sparkles in his eyes at this time, and he was speechless.

Li Feng was about to start skinning the tiger, when suddenly he frowned and looked at the distant sky in surprise.

There was a powerful aura coming from a distance, it seemed to be stronger than the Jinyan Tiger on the ground, and it was rapidly approaching the cottage.

Damn, isn't it so lucky?Li Feng was a little puzzled, if there are really so many powerful monsters here, then what kind of shit are these robbers?

The people in the cottage followed Li Feng's gaze and saw nothing, and they couldn't sense the tyrannical aura in the sky, they just felt a little depressed.

But soon, everyone noticed something strange. There was a small bright spot in the sky. Everyone thought it was a star at first, but now they realized that this bright spot was rapidly becoming bigger. After a while, everyone could already see it clearly. The monster that flew over had six pairs of flaming wings. Its head looked like a legendary hell demon. A pair of sharp curved horns grew out of its huge head. It had a long tail behind it, and its body was entwined with flames. Let its ferocious image be very clear in the eyes of everyone.

Li Feng was a little puzzled and said: "Couldn't this guy be a six-winged Balrog? But the image of this six-winged Balrog seems to be a bit miserable. Its wings look like Ji Gong's broken fan. How is it?" Fly?"

Ferdinand felt a bit bitter in his mouth, and said dryly: "It seems to be a six-winged Balrog, but isn't it staying in the volcanoes like Jin Yanhu? Why did they all escape?"

"Can super monsters coexist peacefully? How many volcanoes are there?" Li Feng looked at Ferdinand in surprise.

Ferdinand said with a wry smile: "There are many volcanic groups hundreds of miles to the west, and there are at least three super-level monsters entrenched. This six-winged balrog is one of them. Very few people have been to the volcanic groups and can come back alive. For the volcanic groups We are all hearsay about it.”

(End of this chapter)

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