The best bandit in another world

Chapter 558 Take a Watchdog

Chapter 558 Take a Watchdog (3)
Then, seeing the fire lion dog jumping into the air, it was actually scared and shrank back again, and it almost didn't let its eyeballs pop out.

Li Feng got up with lingering fear, remembering the cool feeling that passed into the palm of his hand just now, looked at the turtle bead in his hand, it was probably the turtle bead that saved his life just now, Firefox's ability is really a bit evil, just like that The illusion technique is really brilliant, and Li Feng was tricked into it without knowing it.

Li Feng is also a magician, and he is a magician whose spiritual power is different from ordinary people. With his strong mental power, he would be confused by Firefox without warning. It is conceivable how clever Firefox's illusion is. Even a strong Juggernaut cannot escape its confusion. After all, it is impossible for a strong Juggernaut to have such strong spiritual power as Li Feng.

But why does Guizhu have the ability to break the magic of Firefox?Li Feng thought for a while, the tortoise bead is the source of power for the tortoise to release the tortoise, and the tortoise can blow out the soul of a living being, is it related to this?

These thoughts flashed in Li Feng's mind, now is not the time to study this, Li Feng put away the turtle beads, and looked at the fire lion dog who was staring at him from a distance and growling.

Li Feng was going to shoot the Moyue Knife to kill the monster, but when he was about to shoot, his heart moved, and he walked towards the fire lion dog with a smile, "I'm still short of a loyal dog for guarding the house, aren't you called the fire lion dog?" ? Being a watchdog shouldn’t wrong you, right?”

The fire lion dog is not low in intelligence. It understands Li Feng's words, but no matter what, it is also a quasi-super-order monster. Of course, he will not be reconciled to being reduced to a watchdog.

The fire lion dog bared its teeth at Li Feng, and the lion's mane on its neck puffed up, showing its anger to Li Feng.

Li Feng laughed and said, "Why bother? Do you have to be beaten to be obedient?"

The fire lion dog's eyes became more fierce, but it still didn't dare to attack Li Feng. As Li Feng pressed every step of the way, it could only keep retreating.

Li Feng put away the Black Moon Knife, turned into a phantom and rushed towards the fire lion dog. Before the fire lion dog could react, he had already been punched several times.

Li Feng's luck was ingenious, hitting the fire lion dog made it extremely painful, but it didn't cause too much substantial damage. The fire lion dog couldn't even dodge, so it could only be beaten passively and screamed incessantly.

The robbers in the cottage were once again able to witness the heroic figure of their master beating up super monsters.

Although the fire lion dog can not be regarded as a super-order monster, its hand-to-hand combat ability is not much weaker than that of a super-order monster. In the past, if a fire lion dog broke into the Heimuya village, most of the village would be wiped out. When the lion dog went out today, he didn't take a good look at the almanac, so he ran into the hands of the master, so it was a tragedy.

Li Feng punched to the flesh, and the dull beating sound made the robbers in the distance couldn't help but mourn for the fire lion dog. Li Feng's violent beating lasted for more than ten minutes before stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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