The best bandit in another world

Chapter 573 Take a Watchdog

Chapter 573 Take a Watchdog (18)
Li Feng was very upset when someone interrupted his smug beauty. He urged the watchdog who was a temporary cameo mount under his seat, jumped off the boulder, and approached the group of mercenaries looking for death in a leisurely manner.

The fire lion dog is very spiritual, and has a high understanding of combat. As soon as it entered the attack range of the mercenaries, it suddenly accelerated and swept past a high-level swordsman.

Li Feng didn't make any effort, just put the Moyue Knife in a good position, the blade slashed across the neck of the high-ranking swordsman, the movements of the high-ranking swordsman immediately stiffened, a red line appeared on the neck, the cold wind blew past, A large head landed on the ground, bumping and rolling down the mountain.

Chick, hot blood gushes out like a fountain.

The surrounding mercenaries couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts. How could a high-ranking swordsman be so vulnerable under Li Feng's knife?
It's just one blow, and a high-ranking swordsman is killed in one blow, so how many blows does it take for him to kill us?This thought unstoppably rose from the minds of all the mercenaries who came to besiege Li Feng. The mercenaries felt a sense of powerlessness, and Li Feng defeated the confidence of these mercenaries with just one knife.

Li Feng laughed loudly, "Gentlemen, congratulations on obtaining the pass to the gate of hell, let the head of the university send you on your way."

The Fire Lion Dog charged Li Feng towards the mercenaries again.

Chapter 174
The fire lion dog dashed left and right among the mercenaries, and in just one pass, three mercenaries fell under Li Feng's knife. Li Feng laughed happily, and the little depression just now was swept away.

Li Feng was about to urge the fire lion dog to rush towards the mercenaries again, when the middle-aged mercenary below suddenly shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, we are willing to hand in the road money, the boss is merciful."

When Li Feng heard this, he didn't seem to hear it. He rushed through the mercenaries again, and two fresh lives disappeared.

"In view of your fierce resistance and the loss it has brought to Heimuya Village, the head of the university has decided that not only will your road-buying discount be eliminated, but it will be increased to [-]%." Li Feng stopped his seat and was still eager to move The fire lion dog shouted down the mountain with a smile.

He didn't tell the people in the Shanzhai to stop, anyway, the Shanzhai has the upper hand now, and except for those who like to single out, and sometimes get hurt when they encounter tough bones, the Shanzhai hasn't killed a single person so far.

This is also because the battle has not started for a long time. If it takes a long time, casualties will be unavoidable.

The face of the middle-aged mercenary changed slightly, and he looked at the old man beside him inquiringly. After all, it was the owner of the caravan who wanted to hand in the money for buying roads. He just hoped that the old man would not refuse, otherwise he would be responsible for protecting the caravan, and he still had to take Desperate to fight.

After seeing the scene where Li Feng easily killed a high-level swordsman in seconds, the middle-aged mercenary had already judged that it would not take much effort for Li Feng to kill him.

The old man hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded. The caravan always needs mercenary guards. If there are too many casualties, I am afraid that they will not have the strength to protect the caravan and continue walking.

The middle-aged mercenary got the consent of the old man, and immediately rushed up the mountain and shouted: "The master, please stop, [-]% is [-]%, and we are willing to hand over [-]% of the money and goods as road money."

(End of this chapter)

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