The best bandit in another world

Chapter 577 Take a Watchdog

Chapter 577 Take a Watchdog (22)
Dozens of tall trees with thick waists blocked the rhino group's forward direction, but the rhino group had no intention of avoiding it at all. They knocked down the big trees straight down, trampled them flat, and rushed forward unstoppably.

Li Feng's expression changed in horror, the impact force of the armored rhinos was really terrifying, if they really hit the crowd in the cottage, it would be a disaster.

Li Feng didn't dare to drive the fire lion dog to block the way of the rhinos. This kind of aura comparable to the power of heaven and earth not only made Li Feng a little scared, but even the fire lion dog showed a little timidity, and the quasi-super-level monster Unable to resist this unstoppable impact, if they are rushed face to face by this group of armored rhinos, even authentic super-level monsters, I am afraid that they will only be turned into a puddle of meat.

However, the combat skills of quasi-ultra-level monsters are not comparable to that of this cumbersome armored rhinoceros. Li Feng drove the fire lion dog to meet the iron armored rhinoceros from the side. The fire lion dog didn't have much fear of the collision.

The fire lion dog understood Li Feng's intentions, and temporarily played the role of a shepherd dog, running side by side with the iron armored rhinoceros, barking constantly, driving the rhinoceros away.

Iron armored rhinoceros is a timid monster. A quasi-ultra-level monster grinned beside it, which immediately frightened them, and the rushing direction of the rhinoceros group began to deviate.

The armored rhino was too bulky, and it seemed difficult to deflect the direction. It stumbled and almost fell down.

Li Feng looked at the rushing rhinoceros, his heart moved, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind. Once this idea popped up, he couldn't help but keep circling in his mind.

Li Feng hesitated for a long while, and finally couldn't bear the temptation. Seeing the right moment, he jumped up from the fire lion dog's back and rushed towards the rhino group.

The fire lion dog was a little stunned by Li Feng's actions. He didn't understand what the owner was doing. Could it be that he was looking for death?But it soon discovered that Li Feng was not looking for death, and his figure landed precisely on the back of the armored rhinoceros at the back.

The fire lion dog has been pampered in the cottage for the past two months, and has already recognized Li Feng as its owner. The fire lion dog has the word dog in its name. In fact, its temperament is very similar to that of a domestic dog. Once it recognizes its owner, it will be extremely loyal .

The fire lion dog didn't dare to enter the rhino group, but it still stayed within four or five meters of Li Feng, barking at the rhino group.

Li Feng landed on Iron Armored Rhino, and punched Iron Armored Rhinoceros on its iron back. On the ground, I couldn't get up for a long time.

Li Feng made a punch, and had already jumped, and landed on the back of an armored rhino in front, and punched again, this armored rhino also couldn't stand it, and fell to the ground.

The Armored Rhino is covered with a thick layer of armor. Although it is not a real iron armor, its protection is not inferior to that of the iron armor. However, Li Feng's fist strength can completely ignore its armor, penetrating directly into the body, and its defense is astonishing. Armored rhinoceros, Li Feng can knock them down with just one punch.

(End of this chapter)

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