The best bandit in another world

Chapter 599 The Menacing Neighbor

Chapter 599 The Menacing Neighbor (8)
Li Feng interrogated for a long time before he ordered the prisoners to be taken away and placed under custody.

"Strengthen your guard. The bandits from Razor Mountain may not come tomorrow, but they will probably come to check on them the day after tomorrow. Be careful of surprise attacks. Don't go out to rob them these few days. Anyway, there are enough reserves in the cottage." Li Feng's face was full. Be cautious, the strength of Razor Mountain made him unable to treat it cautiously.

Ferdinand nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, Master, I will let people strengthen their vigilance. By the way, do you want to get the armored rhino on it?"

Li Feng shook his head and said: "No need, let someone disguise the animal pen where the armored rhinoceros is placed. The open terrain below is suitable for these big guys to play. Also, increase the security range and send people to the black wooden cliff ten miles around Constantly patrolling the area."

Ferdinand was ordered to go down to make arrangements. Li Feng turned his head and looked at Avril who had just come up. "Little San, have you sent someone to notify the merchants?"

Avril nodded, "When the battle just ended, someone was sent there."

Li Feng thought for a while, "Send more people to meet the merchants, a lot of fish escaped just now, maybe someone will bump into the merchants' side, and there are only ten people staying there. Don't come."

Avril Lavigne was slightly startled, and hurriedly arranged for manpower to respond.

Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to the backyard to look around. Algernon and the others were in the yard. Li Feng had told them last time that if something happened to the cottage, they should not come out in a hurry, and wait until it was safe. These people obviously followed Li Feng's orders, and they were also afraid of causing trouble to Li Feng.

In particular, Algernon was caught and threatened Li Feng, so although he was worried about Li Feng's safety, he still stayed in the backyard and did not go out.

After reassuring everyone, when Li Feng was about to leave, Andre suddenly stopped Li Feng, "Alan, Jenny and I are both high-level swordsmen, and we can also contribute to the cottage."

Li Feng frowned and said: "The enemy that Heimuya will face soon is very powerful, I may not be able to take care of you, you two should work hard."

Andre shook his head, and said solemnly: "Alan, we practice martial arts to avenge Drazen, but we have been practicing hard all the time without any actual combat experience. This is definitely not possible. Let us join the battle, our fighting skills can only be improved after being tempered by blood and fire."

Li Feng stared at Andre, "Aren't you afraid of danger? If you die here, won't you take revenge?"

Andre nodded firmly, "If you're timid all day long, what do you need to cultivate? If you don't go through bloody training, even if you become a Juggernaut, I'm afraid you won't be able to take revenge. Alan, I'm not afraid of danger."

Li Feng's eyes turned to Jenny's face. Seeing her expression, Li Feng knew that her answer might be similar to Andre's. Sure enough, Jenny stood firmly beside Andre, her beautiful face full of tears. Resolute, "I am not afraid of danger, I will fight side by side with Andre."

Li Feng hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, you guys come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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