The best bandit in another world

Chapter 63 The Principle of Magic

Chapter 63 The Principle of Magic (23)
According to what Amos said, Li Feng pressed his palm on a groove on the door. After a while, the door of the laboratory opened automatically, and Amos had obviously granted Li Feng permission to the laboratory.

Li Feng walked into the laboratory, and the door closed automatically and slowly behind him. Li Feng looked back and thought that this thing is so intelligent, and the magic civilization is really amazing.

Li Feng walked into yesterday's small trial room, spread the books on the floor, picked out one, and started to read.

He still looked at it from the basic principles, Li Feng was still very clear about the principle that sharpening a knife does not make a mistake in chopping firewood.

Not long after, Li Feng stood up, clapped his hands, squeezed his chin, and said, "This doesn't seem to be difficult. There should be materials for making scrolls in the laboratory. Let's try it first."

Of course, the great wizard's laboratory is not much shabby, and the materials for making scrolls are everywhere. Li Feng carried a bunch of materials, returned to the small trial room, and began to try his hand.

The principle of the magic scroll is actually not difficult. It is nothing more than using a special method to seal the magic into the scroll. Most of the magic scrolls can release magic as long as they are torn apart forcefully.There are also some relatively rare trigger-type magic scrolls. The trigger-type scrolls do not need to be torn apart. As long as certain conditions are met, magic will be released automatically. This kind of scroll is very difficult to make and the value is ridiculously high.

Even if the trigger scroll is made by a great mage, it is a bit difficult. With Li Feng's level, it is absolutely impossible to make it successful, so he did not set his sights high and started to try to make ordinary scrolls.

Spreading out a blank scroll, Li Feng began to concentrate on drawing the magic circle.

To make a scroll, it is necessary to use magic power to communicate with the magic elements and seal the magic elements into the scroll when drawing the magic array.

Li Feng has no magic power, so he tried to recite the mantra silently in Huaxia language in his heart to communicate with the magic elements.

After the drawing of the magic circle was completed, Li Feng sensed it carefully and frowned. His mental power had doubled after last night, and it was already close to the level of a trainee magician. He could easily sense that there was nothing on this scroll. The magic wave can basically announce that Li Feng's attempt failed.

Li Feng scratched his head and murmured: "What's wrong? I followed the steps completely, and there were no mistakes during the process. How could there be no effect?"

The success rate of making magic scrolls is not high. When drawing a magic formation map, as long as there is a slight deviation in mental power, it will fail. What Li Feng makes are apprentice-level magic scrolls. According to the truth, making magic scrolls usually requires only He was able to make one level lower than his own, and even so, the success rate was less than [-]%. Li Feng's failure in making it should have been expected.

Li Feng knew all these things, but what was strange to him was that he obviously didn't feel any mistakes, but the production still failed, which is really unusual.

Li Feng thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out why. It seemed that if he continued to think about it, there would still be no results. Li Feng simply stopped thinking about it and continued to make the next scroll.

(End of this chapter)

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