The best bandit in another world

Chapter 68 The Principle of Magic

Chapter 68 The Principle of Magic (28)
This moment blocked the mouths of several teenagers. Among the group of people, Baldwin was the most knowledgeable person. He admitted that he could not guess the murderer, and the others were even more puzzled.

However, there were still some unconvinced, "I heard that Adonis was eunuched after he robbed a chick, maybe it was the chick's man who did it."

Baldwin nodded and said, "It's also possible, but the chick hasn't been found yet, and it's impossible to guess who the murderer is now."

Except that what Baldwin said was worth listening to, the others were all nonsense. After listening for a while, Li Feng turned his attention to the magic props in the store.

There are not only finished magic props but also many magic materials in the shop. What Li Feng mainly looks at is the materials for making scrolls.

Only then did he discover that the items in Amos' laboratory were all high-end goods.

Just like blank scrolls, there are also grades. From the lowest level of a few silver coins to hundreds or even thousands of gold coins, Li Feng carefully compared the blank scrolls in the Amos laboratory. At least hundreds of gold coins a piece, I don't know how much was wasted by Li Feng today.

In the Atlantis Empire, one gold coin is equal to ten silver coins, one silver coin is equal to one hundred copper coins, and the currencies of other countries on the mainland are basically the same.

Li Feng once compared the currency of the Titan Continent with RMB. A copper coin is roughly equivalent to one yuan, and a gold coin is equivalent to 1000 yuan. Of course, the price of the Titan Continent is still somewhat different from that on Earth.But it can also be seen that the value of gold coins is quite high. Li Feng wasted nearly a thousand gold coins in one day.

Li Feng clicked his tongue secretly, a magician is really a luxurious profession, but he didn't feel much embarrassment, Amos had already said that Li Feng can use whatever is in the laboratory as he pleases.

Li Feng really couldn't make things out of the laboratory for sale, but since they were used for experiments, it was no big deal after all.

There is also a special magic pen for making scrolls. Of course, the ink is not the kind used for ordinary writing, but the blood of monsters and magic crystal powder. After many complicated processes, it is made, and the value is very high.

Li Feng didn't have half a copper coin on him, and he couldn't afford any of them, but he still picked out a bunch of materials, of course they were the cheapest, and held them all in his arms.

It wasn't until several teenagers went out and there was no one else in the shop that Li Feng walked to the counter with a pile of materials in his arms, put the materials on the counter, and said in a deep voice, "I want all of these."

There was an old man sitting at the counter. He sized it up and immediately figured out the total price of the materials, "Chenghui three gold coins, seven silver coins and 53 copper coins."

Li Feng said bluntly: "I have no money."

The old man's face changed slightly and he said, "If you don't have money, what are you going to buy? I run a magic item shop here, not a shantang."

(End of this chapter)

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