The best bandit in another world

Chapter 74 The Principle of Magic

Chapter 74 The Principle of Magic (34)
Jessica was so angry that she laughed, "What's the problem? You borrowed materials from my store yesterday. Are you just using these failed scrolls to pay?"

Li Feng blinked, with a look of confusion, "Who told you that these are failed scrolls? The best way to test whether the scrolls are successful is not to sense them like you do, but to use them. Try it and you will know." Well."

Jessica snorted coldly, "If the magic scroll is successfully produced, there will be fluctuations in obscure magic elements. If you have to wait until it is used, you can know whether the scroll is successful. How can the scroll be traded?"

Li Feng still had a smile on his face, and said: "As far as I know, the scrolls made by magicians above the level of the Great Magister generally have no elemental fluctuations, but the scrolls they make, any If Zhang took it out, it would be enough to cause countless people to scramble for it, why can't my scroll be traded without elemental fluctuations?"

What Li Feng said was indeed a fact. The magic scrolls made by magicians above the level of great wizards are enough to be handed down to future generations.

Elemental fluctuations are actually the fact that the scroll cannot completely bind the sealed elements inside, resulting in the slow loss of elements. Over time, the scroll will become invalid if the elements are lost too much. Therefore, if a scroll is to pass on to future generations, it must be tightly Bind the elements and keep them from escaping.

To do this, you need to be at least above the level of a great mage, and a great mage is only the lowest threshold. It does not mean that all great mages can do this. In today's mainland, The number of great wizards is not small, but less than [-]% of them can do this.

Jessica is not a half-witted magician like Li Feng, but she is from a professional background, so she knows more about these things than Li Feng. Hearing Li Feng's nonsense, she said displeasedly: "Of course I understand what you said, but the great magician made it The scrolls have their own unique imprints, which cannot be imitated by others, so the scrolls they make are guaranteed by their own reputation."

Li Feng smiled and said: "I can also use my reputation as a guarantee."

A trace of disdain appeared on Jessica's face. The meaning is simple, how much is your reputation worth?

After listening to it for a long time, Ode finally understood. The way he looked at Li Feng at this moment seemed to be looking at a liar. He thought that this man's silent magic trick yesterday could not be magic, right?
Of course, magic and magic are not the same concept. Magic is nothing more than juggling, but magic has tremendous power.

Ode said with an ugly face: "Mr. Allen, if you can't get the scroll to pay off the materials on credit, then I'm sorry, I'm afraid you will know right away that the materials in the store are not so easy to get."

Since Ode regarded Li Feng as a liar, his tone was not so respectful and polite, and even the title of master became Mr.

Li Feng glanced sideways at Ode, thinking that this old thing changed his face really quickly, "Student Jessica, how about we make a bet?"

(End of this chapter)

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