Chapter 757 Hot Blood (22)
How is this going?Li Feng thought of the boiling fire of true qi he felt in the chaos just now. Could it be that the impurities in the true qi were burned away by the fire of true qi?
Li Feng couldn't figure out the reason. There was no such record in "Sunflower Treasure", and even the other martial arts secrets recorded in "Encyclopedia of Other Worlds" did not describe this state.

When Li Feng regained his mental strength, he suddenly realized that he was still at the bottom of the lake, but the feeling of suffocation had long since disappeared. He didn't need to breathe at all, but he didn't feel suffocated at all.

The state of fetal breath, that is, the legendary innate state, must be like this. Li Feng couldn't help trembling with excitement. This is the highest state of inner strength cultivation. People who reach this state may not be super masters, but they will definitely Become the ultimate master.

Li Feng felt that cool air was permeating the whole body, as if the skin was breathing, but Li Feng knew that this was not skin breathing, but the top-notch cultivation method, which was a direct dialogue with the aura of heaven and earth. The speed of cultivation is dozens of times that of ordinary people.

Moreover, he no longer needs to practice hard in the future, and when he reaches the innate state, he will be practicing automatically all the time. No matter whether Li Feng is eating, walking, or even sleeping, his zhenqi will continue to grow.

Once reaching the innate realm, it is equivalent to cultivating at a speed dozens of times faster than ordinary people all the time. It is unreasonable for such a person not to become a super master. No matter how talented a genius is, he can only follow the innate The martial artist eats farts from behind.

Li Feng also discovered one more thing. He was still trying his best to tighten Feilu's neck just now, but at this moment he couldn't feel his strength at all, and his strength had more than doubled. With enough energy, it can emit tens of thousands of catties of force. Such a strong force, even if it doesn't use force to penetrate into the monster's body, it is enough to beat most monsters to pieces.

Li Feng's surprise was really indescribable. He also found that he didn't need to deliberately control the flow of zhenqi at all. As long as his thoughts were everywhere, the zhenqi would automatically react, as if he had spirituality, just like Li Fengjue now. Tightening Feilu's neck, there is no need to deliberately control the infusion of zhenqi into his arms, as long as he exerts strength, the zhenqi will flow naturally.

Haha, if it weren't for being at the bottom of the lake now, Li Feng's wild laughter would probably be enough to break people's eardrums. He was so proud that he even ignored the substantial increase in mental power.

Li Feng tightly wrapped Feilu's neck with one hand, and freed his other hand to hit Feilu's head. Now he is holding one hand tighter than the previous two.

With a punch on Feilu's head, Feilu's scurrying figure suddenly staggered, almost plunged into the mud at the bottom of the lake.

If Li Feng broke out with all his strength at this time, he could even break Feilu's neck directly, but this Feilu made him suffer so much, he would not let it go easily.

Li Feng was blessed by misfortune and reached the congenital state in one fell swoop. In fact, he didn't want to kill Feilu, a "hero", but capital punishment is inevitable, and living crimes are hard to forgive. Feilu will have to suffer some flesh and blood anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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