The best bandit in another world

Chapter 76 The Principle of Magic

Chapter 76 The Principle of Magic (36)
Although his aptitude is not very good, but after a long time, he has also been promoted to the elementary sword master.

30 Shocked

Jessica Bingxue was smart. Seeing Ode's expression changed, she immediately guessed what he was thinking, nodded, and turned to Li Feng and said, "Student Alan, come with me."

Li Feng threw the few scrolls that Jessica took out earlier into the cloth bag, held them in front of his chest, and wobbled behind them.

Item stores usually have testing grounds, because no matter how good the item store's reputation is, when customers buy something, they must test its power.

Li Feng entered the testing site and looked it over. The site is circular and open-air, not small in size, about a thousand square meters, surrounded by a layer of light blue enchantment.

There is also a trial room in Amos' laboratory, although it is also covered by an enchantment, it is invisible to the naked eye.

Li Feng dared to bet that although the enchantment here looks dazzling, its firmness is definitely far inferior to the enchantment in the trial room of Amos.

Jessica stood still in the field, and said with a sneer, "Okay, let's test it here, and let me see how powerful your scroll is."

Li Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, the power will definitely satisfy you, hehe."

Seeing that Li Feng still looked confident, Ode suddenly said: "Miss, let me come, the body of the lady is a thousand gold, there is no need to risk your own life."

Jessica hesitated slightly, Li Feng rolled his eyes and said: "Student Jessica, if you are afraid, let this old guy replace you, so as not to hurt you in time, you still say that I don't care about you .”

Li Feng looked very flat, Jessica turned cold, and said coldly: "Uncle Ode, no need, I will come by myself, you stand far away, so that classmate Alan will not find a lot of excuses when the time comes. His scroll There is no elemental fluctuation in all of them, I don't believe it, how can a failed scroll hurt me."

Although Jessica didn't inspect the scrolls one by one, but those scrolls were piled up together, and Jessica had sensed them all a long time ago. The reason why she picked out a few scrolls to sense carefully was just to be on the safe side.

Li Feng took out a scroll, threw the cloth bag on the ground casually, and said casually: "Student Jessica, be careful, you will be hurt in a while, so don't cry."

Anger appeared in Jessica's eyes, and when Li Feng was about to speak, Li Feng tore open the scroll suddenly. With a bang, a strong wind pressure burst out from the scroll. Jessica saw the wind pressure coming, but she was a magician. Unable to keep up with his thinking, he exclaimed, was blown out by the wind pressure, and fell to the ground.

As a beginner swordsman, Ode could have rescued his young lady, but he just listened to the young lady's words and honestly stepped back a bit, and the distance between Li Feng and Jessica was too close, so he He could only watch helplessly as the young lady was blown away by the magic.

"Miss, how are you? Are you injured?" Ode asked with concern as he helped Jessica up.

The ground was covered with stone slabs, how could Jessica not hurt when she fell on it like this?
(End of this chapter)

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