Chapter 760 Hot Blood (25)
Li Feng knew the contract magic to subdue a familiar, but when he was about to chant the spell, he suddenly felt a twitch in his heart. He already had a flying heron to travel, and this flying heron was not fast, and it seemed that it was of little use to him.

"Jessica, come here, and everyone else stay still," Li Feng called out to the distance, and immediately sent a message to Feilu, "You are too weak to be my magic pet, I will find you a beautiful woman Be the master."

Feilu seemed a little reluctant. No matter how timid it was, it was still a super monster. It didn't take much psychological burden to surrender to a strong man like Li Feng, but Feilu saw Jessica running from a distance. Given her meager strength, of course she was unwilling to submit to such a weakling.

Feilu is very keen in identifying strength, just like just now, when it saw Li Feng approaching, it immediately judged that it was not Li Feng's opponent, and ran away without fighting.

Li Feng sneered, and the Black Moon Knife shot out casually, circling back and forth above a large rock on the ground. Every time it passed over the stone, the high-speed rotating blade would cut off a thin piece of stone.

Breaking through the innate realm, coupled with the surge in mental power, made Li Feng's control over strength more precise. The Moyue knife flew on the stone for a long time, and it didn't even return to Li Feng's hands. It was very difficult for Li Feng to do this before. But now, every gesture is tactful and satisfactory.

From the corner of Fei Lu's eyes, he glanced at the whirling Moyue Knife, and seeing Li Feng's sinister sneer, he immediately nodded sensibly, and hastily signaled his willingness to surrender.

Jessica didn't even catch her breath when she ran over. The effect of dragon's blood is still very strong. If she knows sword skills, with her strength at this time, she can even defeat a warrior at the level of a great swordsman, let alone a swordsman. After the dragon's blood, her skin's defense is astonishing. I'm afraid that ordinary great swordsmen can't break through her skin.

"Jessica, this guy is given to you as a magic pet, quickly sign a magic contract with it." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Wh... what..." Jessica staggered, almost bumping into Li Feng's arms.

Li Feng successfully 'surprised' Jessica, and couldn't help but proudly said: "This guy is a coward, he was beaten up by me, and now he is very docile, you go and accept him as a magic pet."

Jessica stared at Feilu in a daze, the surprise came so suddenly, Jessica's brain froze, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

"What are you still doing?" Li Feng pushed Jessica and urged, "Contract magic is something a magician can do. Don't tell me you haven't learned it before? Do it quickly."

"Can you stop letting this silly girl be my master?" Seeing Jessica's stupid look, Fei Lu became even more unhappy.

"Damn," Mo Yuedao twirled in Li Feng's hand, and a chilly thought rushed into Fei Lu's mind, "Either become a magic pet, or suffer from the knife, you choose."

Fei Lu let out a wail, and lowered his head in resignation.

Jessica was awakened by Feilu's voice, and stammered: "This... this... it... is it willing to be my magic pet?"

(End of this chapter)

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